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Power of Money novel Chapter 1063

It was clear that Belinda's plan had been disclosed.

She not only knew the whole process of her plan, but also knew the location of the hidden people.

They chose to attack the national examination station of the U.S. at the interval between people and goods trade.

Jason even suspected that the thunders he had just heard were from the wide- ranging outpost, which had been attacked at the same time.

Jason couldn't and didn't want to get involved in the following things at all.

But the Imperial Examination stood in front of them, nothing could happen to it!

His eyes, like ferocious beasts, stared at the enemies who hid in the snow and kept standing in the wooden cabin for the imperial examination.

These people were very good at hiding themselves.

The white snow-white clothes could perfectly blend their bodies into the surrounding environment. If the dull gunshots hadn't exposed their position, even if Jason was in the enemy's camp, it would be difficult to detect the existence of these people.

"It's true that the mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole is behind..."

Jason gritted his teeth and said that this operation was a little too smooth. He thought that he had fallen into Belinda's trap and had been led by her nose. But now it seemed that she was just a tool to be used. There was also a bigger net behind her. When the time was right, she would be able to close the net. There was no one who could escape from her!

Jason even had reason to believe that the person behind this sudden change was certainly still in the camp of the uninhabited area, with the group of people on the "Royal family" to pretend to be looking for him.

"You son of a b*tch."

Jason cursed in his heart. He was in the snow, looking around. In the interval of a round of gunfire, he ran quickly to the window of the Imperial Examination. His figure was so fast that it condensed into a shadow, broke through the window, and got into the Imperial Examination.

"Who's there?"

"It's you?"

Two exclamations were heard in succession. When Jason stood up with great pain in his arm, he saw two middle-aged blond-haired men in his arms looking at him in surprise. Jason recognized one of them. He was the so-called leader of the extreme climate imperial examination team, Captain Gauss from the U.S..

"Can you speak Chinese?" Jason stood up and stared at Lance.

"Yes, one point." Bevulas spoke with difficulty.

"That's enough. There are a lot of people outside. There should be more than 50 of them. They all have weapons in their hands. Think of a way to call for support. You are no match for them at all."


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