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Power of Money novel Chapter 1078

The piercing cold wind mixed with snow blew on the deck.

Two figures, one tall and one short, stood face to face. When the ice-breaking boat passed through the broken ice, it made a huge "crack" sound, covering up the conversation content between the two.

In the cockpit, the white silk girl stared at the two men on the deck.

With a hint of coldness in her beautiful eyes, she stared at the shorter figure.

When she broke the ice ship in the Royal Title, she heard from the members of the Du Bang family that they had put in spies in Nanutia's public security in advance, so as to prevent Sylvia and others who couldn't board the ship on Boyo E Unforeseen E Jahangir's ship.

It was the second harbor that was available for boats to go to the South Pole.

Sylvia or others wanted to go to the Antarctic at this time, but they had no other choice.

They were like a group of hunters, rushing preys into the traps that had been set in advance in a world of ice and snow.

The preys had no choice but to get into the traps under their control. Whether they were alive or dead, it was all up to the hunters.

Du Bang's family played the role of a hunter who set traps in the whole event.

On the other hand, Sylvia and Jason were prey.

Therefore, on the road, she had been very worried about whether the two preys mentioned by Du Bang's family had Jason or not.

She didn't leave the team rashly until she confirmed that Jason was in the no-man area. She searched the no-man area alone in the polar region and almost died. Finally, she was saved and brought back by the people at the National Technology Examination.

Through the window, she looked at Belinda, who seemed to be in a fierce argument with Jason. Her fingers, which were long and fair, clenched tightly, and her knuckles emitted a crisp cracking sound.

"Chop?" Jason frowned as he looked at Belinda, somewhat puzzled.

"That's right. After we go ashore, our department's personnel will receive us. We will use professional precision instruments to cut the meteorite fragments and give you a third of it. This is my bottom line." Belinda insisted.

The two of them had just argued about the final distribution of this meteorite for a long time. In the end, she chose to compromise. She planned to cut off the meteorite fragment by her personal behavior after she went ashore, and one third of it would be taken away by Jason.

"Although it's true that your friend is above the average, I also lost two comrades. Their corpses will forever remain in the Antarctic and will never reunite with their families again." Belinda looked at Jason and said in a low voice.

Jason was not willing to discuss whose life was more precious at this time.

He silently estimated the size of the meteorite fragments and how much they would be cut off by one-third.

Then he nodded and said, "Okay, I accept your opinion."

Belinda let out a sigh of relief and said, "Then let's wish for our final journey to be safe."

Bei Lin left, but Jason stood rooted to the spot without moving.

He looked up at the figure that had disappeared in front of the glass through the wind and snow. Then he suddenly smiled and walked up to the cabin.


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