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Power of Money novel Chapter 11

"This Mercedes G500 is equipped with 4.0L TSI and V8 engine, and the maximum horsepower will be 422."

"It has wedge outline and striking Mercedes-Benz symbol. Even it stays still, we can feel its aura of enthusiasm."

"So professionals gave it a nickname, Suit Riot."

The saleswoman kept explaining.

The sexy woman raised her hand to look at the watch and asked, "Is there any current stock of this car?"

"Miss, today is your day. At present, an AMG with a V8 engine, there is only one in our store, as well as the whole city. That's the one you see now."

"Moreover, today is the 5th anniversary of our Pauly Automobile. If you buy the car today, we can give you another 50,000 yuan as a discount on the basis of 12 points discount and give you free maintenance for a year."

Said the saleswoman excitedly.

She had a hunch that she could breakthrough the sales record of the shop!

"Well, I will pay in full. Go and make the billing."

The woman nodded and said lightly.

Less than 2 million yuan, although the car was a little luxurious, it was enough for her.

The most important thing was that she liked this car very much.

There was a wild heart hidden deep in every woman's soul.

Especially the phrase " Suit Riot" made her even more excited.

"Chan, hurry up to wipe the car for the guests, and see if there is any gift in our store. Move them all and give them to our VIP."

The sales manager strode over, took a rag and handed it to the saleswoman.

"Manager, so fast you know the news. I'm going to make the billing. I'll clean the car for the beautiful lady as soon as I come back."

The saleswoman took the rag excitedly, but when she saw Jason standing behind the manager, a trace of sarcasm flashed in her eyes.

"What billing? Our guest has already paid for it. Hurry up, wipe the car and get the gift. The guest is waiting." The sales manager blamed.

"What? Paid for it?"

The salesman turned around in surprise. "Miss, have you paid for it?"

The sexy woman shook her head.

She also noticed Jason who came with her manager, and a sense of foreboding arose. "This sir has bought this car and paid in full. Now he needs to pick the car. What do you need to do now? Still need me to repeat?"

The sales manager walked up with a displeased look, and then said to the sexy woman with a smile, "I'm sorry, lady. This gentleman needs to pick the car now. Would you please go to other exhibition areas?"


The sexy woman stared at Jason with a complicated expression. "Did you buy it?"

Jason nodded faintly.

"Let's make a deal."

The sexy woman suddenly smiled.

She walked to Jason and put her shoulder-length hair aside. Then she tilted her head, leaned her body slightly forward, and put her red lips close to Jason's ears.

"Give me the car. I'll treat you to dinner alone tonight. How about it?"

The woman was more than 1.73 meters tall and wearing silver high heels. Jason felt that she was almost as tall as him.

Moreover, she did have a good figure, and now she bent over. The distance between them was close. In this way, Jason could not only smell the faint body fragrance, but also could see the whole shape of her chest.

Seeing Jason in a daze, the woman blinked her charming eyes.

"Young man, is that okay?"

"No, you'd better go to see other cars."

How would a woman who could afford this car really make such a deal with him?

Jason said lightly, then bypassed her and walked toward the car.


The sexy women had never been so angry.

Although what she said was a joke.

However, no man had ever dared to refuse her.

What's more, this man in front of her, looked very ordinary both in appearance and clothes.

"What's your name?" Reily Li bit her red lip and stared at Jason's back as if she could kill him.

Jason was also a little annoyed. Although this woman had a good figure and a beautiful face, this car was obviously chosen by him first, she would go to other places to buy one. Why did she have to make trouble for him?

"Jason Qin, but it's no use for you to learn my name. Anyway, you definitely don't know me."

Jason turned his head and said calmly.

"Okay, Jason Qin, right? Wait and see. I can assure you that you will regret what you have done today. Just wait and see!"


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