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Power of Money novel Chapter 1126

"We're almost there."

The pickup truck drove in the snow for nearly five hours. Eventually, it stopped in a uneven pit in the snow-covered mountain path.

"This is a path. We took a walk at night when we were on duty in the mine. It is from here. Originally, there was no path. However, so many people came after all these years, and we managed to find a way out of it."

Wu Degui opened his mouth to speak as he gazed at the mountain silhouette that had faintly appeared in the snow.

"This road ahead leads up the mountain and directly leads to the mining area?" Kernel asked.

"Yes, that's right. I remember that it leads to the No. 125 mines. It's the relatively large mine in the mining area, and it's also the closest to the outside world." Wu Degui explained.

"How long will it take to walk from this mine to the training room?" Kernel asked.

"It'll take half an hour if we walk. We used to take a car here, and we'll be there in a few minutes," Wu Degui said.

"Get out of the car."

As soon as Jason gave the order, everyone took their things and left the pickup truck.

Kernel was fully armed, wearing a simple bowproof shirt and helmet. He carried a charge suit on his back, a grenade hanging on his waist, a short knife tied to his leg, and a short wooden cabinet full of bows in his hand.

Yu Laowu only carried an old gray cloth bag, which contained a lot of things. According to what Yu Laowu said, he ate them all, and they could be used in this kind of place.

Like Jason, Wu Degui was also unarmed.

Wu Degui was only responsible for leading the way. He did not need to participate in the battle. If he was in danger, Kernel would stand guard by his side.

As for Jason, it was because he didn't need it.

Under the lead of Wu Degui, the 3 of them go down the narrow path all the way up the mountain, heading straight for the mining area.

In the case that the snow blocked the mountain, the white anti-cold suit that the four people had changed before getting off became the most natural disguise.

Mukang served in Southeast District at the Mukang Level and was best at fighting in mountains.

Wu Degui was an old mining pit in the camp's mining area. He was familiar with every blade of grass and every tree here.

As an expert in the cave-breaking, Yu Wu used to be one of the Shadow Kill. He was skillful and had his own fighting skills. In the heavily damaged secret cave of the mining area, he was the most suitable for using his hands and feet.

As for Jason, he was invincible in close combat.

This seemed to be the outermost combination.

The movements caused by the four people were hardly noticeable. They easily climbed over the hills and stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the half of the mining area in a bird's eye.

Highly phobia!

If there was a person with mental illness standing on the top of the mountain and looking down at the deep mining area where countless caves had been dug out, he would definitely get goose bumps all over his body, and then desperately tremble with cold.

It was unknown how many kilometers the mining area was. Because of the excavation needs, there was a big pit like a natural crypt here.


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