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Power of Money novel Chapter 1232

"Do you still remember how you feel every time you get close to Greed's fragment?" Jason asked in a low voice.

After a moment of silence, Wang Meng said, "Cold, Icing air, and boiling blood."

Only a pure-blooded transformed person could get close to the meteorite fragments and produce a certain physical reaction.

For example, when Jason went to the uninhabited area of the polar region last time, he used his body's sensor to find the last meteorite fragment.

"Can you feel it now?" Jason asked.

"I can feel the cold, but there's no response in my body," Wang Meng said.

Jason looked around and saw that there were two people standing by the ship not far away. They were all modified people who stayed to guard the lab. Each of them had extraordinary skills, at least at the level of Zheng Zhihai.

"In fact, have you noticed anything unusual?" Jason suddenly asked.

"What is it?"

"Every time a large number of transformed people appear, the stone will always be nearby, and the distance won't be more than 100 meters," Jason whispered.

"What do you mean?" Wang Meng asked in confusion. "Do you mean that they have a group of modified people? Even if their bodies have been transformed by the stone, their sphere of activity must be kept within 100 meters from the stone to give full play to their peak state?"

"That's just my speculation. Haven't you felt that your strength is a little more powerful than before?" Jason said faintly.

Wang Meng was silent. His five fingers tentatively clenched, and then his eyes widened. He turned to Jason and said, "The stone is on board the ship!"

The more dangerous a place was, the safer it was.

In order to deceive the public, the Yun Family did not expose "Greedy Wolf's" biggest bargaining chip to others. They lied that the stone was not on the boat, but it was still outside.

In this way, no one would pay any attention to the ocean ship.

Instead, he paid attention to the things in the outside world in an attempt to find this stone fragment.

Therefore, if the stone was on the ship now, it would be in an absolutely safe position.

Only people like Jason, who could react at a high level at any time, could feel its existence.

"I've heard of a case before. There was once a thief who was arrested after stealing a 500 million American diamond. However, no matter how he searched his residence and any place where the diamond could possibly be hidden, he couldn't find the existence of the diamond. Finally, he had no choice but to release the thief. However, the day after the thief was released, the cameras of the sports company discovered that the thief actually returned to the scene and took out the diamond under a trash can in the exhibition hall. As a result, the thief was arrested and the thief was sentenced to life imprisonment."

"This was also done intentionally by the detective who was in charge of the case. He thought that with the reputation of the thief, as long as he wanted to hide something, outsiders would not be able to detect it at all. So he let him out on purpose and let him go and take it out by himself. The current Yun Family may be like this."

After Jason finished, Wang Meng fell into a short silence.

If the stone was really on board of the ship, it would certainly not be in the lab.

After all, the laboratory was jointly guarded by the three ancient families, and every move in it could not escape the eyes of others.

But if they weren't in the lab...


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