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Power of Money novel Chapter 1244

"Yun Mansion?"

Looking at the broken walls in front of him, Jason felt deep in incredulity.

There were only a few courtyard walls and debris piled on the ground left in the entire Cloud Mansion.

The gate stood all alone in front of them.

Through the door, they could see dead bodies everywhere, and there were corpses everywhere on the ground. The slates had long been torn open, and the soil was soaked with blood. A strong smell of blood came to their noses.

"Asura Infernal Realm." Wang Meng said in a low voice.

At this time, the guards who rushed here after hearing the news also took wooden cylinders to surround the two people in the middle. They looked at the two as if they were looking at a monster. They put their fingers on the trigger as if they were facing a great enemy.

This was very normal.

Anyone who saw Jason and Wang Meng walking all the way and screaming on the ground would think that the two were monsters. Their fighting capacity was too horrible. What's more, it seemed that they hadn't made any moves yet.

"It seems to be over."

Jason didn't hear any more gunshots, and he knew that the battle inside had ended quietly, but he still didn't know the result.

He still didn't believe that Corey would really dare to attack his ancestor Yun Mo, which would challenge the authority of the entire Gu family. Even if the Ying family and the Long family were happy to see the Yun family being destroyed, after the event, Corey would pay a heavy price for the Gu family's dignity.

"the Chans department doesn't want to see you. You can go now."

At this time, Corey's deputy came over. His body was covered in blood, but it was all the blood of the Yun Family.

"Are they all dead?" asked Jason.

"There are always survivors. We're not planning to destroy the Yun Family," the assistant said with a laugh.

"Where is Yun Tian Ce?" asked Jason.

"I don't know who you're talking about. But if you're patient, you can wait until we leave and look for something in the pile of corpses. Maybe we will find something."

It seemed that the assistant didn't want to talk to Jason, and he didn't put Jason and Wang Meng in his eyes.

After all, they were all transformed people. Just now, there were more than 30 transformed people in front of the ancestral shrine, but now they were all beaten into bees. No matter how powerful they were, what could they do?

Wang Meng glanced at him and was about to attack.

Jason extended his hand to stop him and asked, "Where's the patriarch, Yun Mo? He's dead as well?"

"What does it have to do with you?" The assistant sneered. "Since when is it your turn to point fingers at us? The Chen department has ordered that you go out now and let bygones be bygones, but if you don't..."

"Not for anything?"

Wang Meng stood in front of the assistant, pinched his neck with his hands, and asked.


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