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Power of Money novel Chapter 128

When the bald man saw the heavy truck coming from the mountain, without the sound of Ferrari echoing through the whole mountain, he proudly took out a cigarette, walked out of the car, and started smoking lightly.

Soon, the heavy truck appeared in sight and slowly stopped on the side of the road.

"How did it go? Did you hit them?" The bald man laughed.

"No, they avoided my car in advance." The driver on the truck wore a mask and said in a low voice.

"Avoided it?" The bald man was stunned. "How could it be possible? Wasn't she on the consecutive bends at that time? It was so close and so fast, how could she avoid..."

"She actually did it. But she just rushed to the cliff." The driver interrupted him.

"A cliff? Haha, good, good. Tsk, tsk, such a high cliff, she would be dead completely and suffer more falling off the cliff than being hit by you. If you go down the mountain now, someone will give you the rest of the money. If she really falls down from the cliff, the accident scene must be very exciting, I have to personally check it out. haha!"

After the bald man got rid of the driver, he got on the car again and drove quickly toward the mountain road ahead.

At this moment, everyone was quiet.

The mountain road in the middle of the night was in the dim. Even if they were only 20 meters away from each other before crossing the bend, it was impossible for them to see each other.

Yvonne saw two flashes of light in the bend in front of her. It was the truck that passed through the bend. Because the light of the high-speed light was too strong, it reflected from the mountain to the residual light in the air.

What's more, the mountain road on the Maple Leaf Mountain tonight was blocked by the racing club.

Yvonne quickly realized something when she saw a car going in the opposite direction and the urgent call from Yennie from the top of the mountain.

However, the mountain path was narrow and curved. She could not ensure that she could avoid the impact of the retro- powered car after she forced the car to stop. On the other side, there was an abyss, all she could do was to minimize the damage, so she slowed down by turning the car rapidly, and then hit the big maple tree standing on the edge of the cliff.

Jason and Yvonne were wrapped in a carriage covered with white airbags. Jason struggled hard and finally pulled out an arm from the gap of the airbag. Suddenly, there was a click, as if there was a loud sound of trees breaking, and the whole car began to shake gently.

"Are you okay?" Yvonne asked weakly.

Jason took a deep breath and said, "I'm fine. What was the sound just now?"

"The tree is about to break. We have to leave quickly, or we will fall into the cliff with the car."

Their vision was blocked by the expanded airbag, so they could not see clearly what was going on outside the car.

But Yvonne remembered very clearly that at this moment, the car should have hit the maple tree that she had seen before, so it did not fall into the cliff. However, according to the sound now, the tree might not be able to withstand the high-speed impact of the car, so it almost could not hold them anymore.

Her head, under the fierce impact of the airbag, was a little dizzy.

But the strong sense of survival made Yvonne struggling to open the seat belt with her hands. She opened the door and fell to the ground from the driver's seat.

At the same time, Jason also climbed out of the passenger seat. Looking at the cliff close at hand, and the gravel rolling down the cliff because of his move, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

But almost at the same time, they heard the sound of the tree trunk breaking and the sound of the soil loosening. Yvonne shouted and ran away. The two struggled to get up from the ground and ran to the opposite direction of the cliff without looking back.


He turned around in astonishment and found that the maple leaf tree standing on the edge of the cliff could no longer support to be snapped under the violent impact of the car. At the same time, the tree was pulled up by the roots, together with the car that was already badly damaged, all fell into the deep abyss.

Jason was dumbfounded by what he saw.

He looked at the empty cliff in front of him and saw a crack on the edge of the cliff. His back was drenched with cold sweat in an instant, and an extremely horrible thought instantly occupied his mind.

"Let's go. It's estimated that their people will come to examine the body soon." Yvonne took a deep breath and whispered.

Jason nodded, turned around and put his hand on Yvonne's shoulder, and left this place as soon as possible.

Because Yvonne's mobile phone was lost in the car, no one else could contact her.


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