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Power of Money novel Chapter 142

Seeing that everyone was silent, Jason nodded and said, "Bring the wounded to the car first. Roy, drive the girl back. John, Colin and I will go into the mountain, and we'll just search for half an hour. The police will arrive then, and won't need us. Let's do this."

Maybe even Jason himself didn't notice it.

When he was saying this.

A sense of never before seen confidence and trustworthiness appeared in him.

After he finished speaking, several people, especially the girls, were stunned, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

"Roy, you are the only man here who can drive. First, send the wounded to the hospital, and then send the girls home. Is there any problem?" Jason asked Roy, who looked a little absent-minded.

"Well, no, no problem." Roy nodded.

"I'll go with you too." Lusa stood up and said, "If Sherry is not in a good condition when we find her, I can do some first aid to prevent any accidents." "Me too!" Jason glared at Jenny as soon as she spoke.

"Okay, but you have to follow us all the time. No matter what happens, don't leave, understand?" Jason looked at Lusa and said seriously.

Lusa smiled and said, "Don't worry. I used to follow the emergency team to support the disaster area. There is no problem."

After that, the boys lifted Meroy and took her to the Mercedes-Benz. When they came back, they picked up the knife that Simon used earlier to cut the meat, and some other self defense items from the car. Then, they headed for the forest where Meroy emerged from and went in.

Sunset Mountain was a famous scenic spot in Nandu.

Although this place had not yet been completely protected, after a lot of cleaning and improvement by various government departments, as long as they did not wander into the back mountain, the front was still relatively safe.

They shuttled through the woods, following the trail of Mercy's escape to the depths.

"High heels, mobile phone, the bag..."

On the way, the crowd constantly found some things that Meroy had dropped while she was in a hurry.

"It seems that she was right. If we walk further, we'll be able to find the site of the accident. And then we can follow the traces to find Sherry. Besides, they have a woman with them, and it's a mountain road, they wouldn't be able to walk fast."

Jason tried to call Sherry as he spoke, but as expected, her phone was not picked up.

"Found it!"

After walking for more than ten minutes, John, who was leading the way in front, suddenly shouted and ran forward in a hurry.

By the stream outside the forest, they finally found the place where Sherry and Meroy had run into the two strange men.

It was very messy.

Sherry's bag and mobile phone were all left here.

At the same time, there were torn clothes and cloth pieces, as well as underwear.


Looking at the mess on the scene, they looked at each other silently and sighed heavily.

"The underwear should be from the girl just now. I examined her earlier and she was naked below." Lusa suddenly said.

Jason nodded. "It seems that in order to get a chance to escape, she did have physical contact with those two people. However, it is not easy to find three people in such a big mountain."

"There's a road here. Could they have gone up the mountain from here?"

John's eyes were sharp, and he found a narrow path up the mountain between the cracks of the side of the mountain. The trees on both sides were twisting onto the path, and they didn't know where the path led to.

"It's been almost half an hour."

They stood at the intersection, looking up at the sky.

The sky was clear before, but now they could see the dark clouds coming from the west. It seemed that a storm was coming.

"We don't know where's the end to this path. I think the police will arrive soon. Let's go back and tell them what's going on here. There's no need to go up."


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