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Power of Money novel Chapter 154

Jason glanced at his parents and asked, "For that small surgery, you can just do it at any hospital. You don't have to go to St. De, do you?"

"That's right. Old Liu, who was from the west part of our village, removed his half a year ago. It didn't take long for him to go back to work as a farmer. He's recovering quite well."

As soon as Michael opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Hannah's rolling eyes. "Dude, this thing isn't in your body, what do you know? And I have checked before. The most powerful gallbladder surgeon in the country is in St. De Hospital. Just let him do it for me when the time comes."

"You're talking about Director Yang, aren't you?" Jason said, speechless. He didn't expect that his aunt, who had no other skills, was pretty thorough with her research.

"Yes, right. Director Yang is on the board of the national gallbladder operations. I need him for this kind of operation. I don't trust others." Hannah pouted and said.

Hearing this, Jason smiled and said, "I'm afraid it's difficult. Director Yang's schedule is pretty full recently. If you want him to do it, you'll have to wait till next month."

"Next month?" Hannah frowned. "That can't do. If the stones grow during this period of time and go into the bile duct, it will be serious. If anything happens, can you shoulder the responsibility?"

"Then you can go to other hospitals. I said that it's just a gallstone removal surgery, many hospitals can do it. Why do you have to choose St. De?" Jason asked exasperatedly.

Hannah looked at Jason suspiciously. Then, she suddenly realized something and said, "I understand now. You just don't want to help. You wanted to bring an outsider to St. De Hospital for a check-up, but you're giving me all sorts of excuses now. We still came over out of goodwill to see you, but I didn't expect that your family would be like this."

Michael panicked when he heard this. He quickly stood up and poured water for his sister. He comforted her and said, "It's fine. I'd let Jason come up with other solutions if this couldn't work. Nandu is a big city, there are many other good hospitals other than St. De."

"Instead of using existing connections, why should we go to other hospitals? If we were really going to other hospitals, with my connections in the district office, do I still need to come to you? We just want Director Yang to do the operation. As a doctor, is he as busy as the district mayor?" Jim sat by the side and said with great authority.

"But Director Yang is really very busy. Even if he is in Nandu, he may not have the time to do this operation." Jason said.

"See, this is the good son you have raised. Who is the outsider now? My father doted on me the most since I was a child. I remember that when I was in middle school, I was hospitalized with appendicitis. Others didn't come, and only my father came to see me every day. If he knew that I was like this, he would be really anxious. If only he knew that his son raised such a promising grandson who treats me like this."

Jason's grandfather had passed away for many years. Seeing that Hannah was even mentioning him now, Michael had to turn his head to look at Jason and said, "Jason, if we die, they'll be your only relatives left in Nandu. Blood is thicker than water. Why don't we think of a way?"

"All right, your son doesn't treat us as his family at all. It's just St. De Hospital. I'll call Chief Wang of the District Education Bureau now. There are so many people in society who get his help. I don't believe there's no one from the hospital."

Sarah rolled her eyes at Michael's family, took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello, Chief Wang."

The call was connected.

"Sarah, it's the weekend. What's up?"

"I wanted to ask you something. You know so many teachers and students' parents. Are there any team leaders from St. De Hospital among them?"

Sarah was deliberately asking Chief Wang whether he knew any team leaders, so it would look better than Jason's nurse or doctor friends.

"St. De Hospital? I've never heard of such a hospital. I'm guessing it's a private hospital?" Chief Wang asked in confusion.

"Ah, my mother has gallstones. She wants to look for a Director Yang in the hospital to do the surgery. It won't be difficult for you, right?" Sarah said loudly.

"Well, I don't even know anything about the hospital, not to mention the doctors inside. How about I check for you later, or you can look for someone else. If it's just a gallstone surgery, she can just do it at any hospital right?" Chief Wang said.

Even Chief Wang didn't know the people inside?

Sarah frowned, but she quickly pretended to be surprised and said loudly, "Ah? You know the Director of the St. De Hospital? That's great. No need. The Director doesn't have to operate on my mother personally. Just arrange for Director Yang. I know. I'll wait for your news. Thank you, Chief Wang."

In fact, the call had already ended, but Sarah still pretended to hang up. Then she raised the phone in her hand proudly and said, "See, do you think it's a big favor? It's just a phone call for me. Now you know the benefits of the company. You can't buy this with money."


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