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Power of Money novel Chapter 227

Had Sierra seen Stephanie and her sister?

Jason was stunned, then he turned around and walked to one side. He asked, "What's going on? When and where did you meet them?"

Sierra had never left the park gate. If she said she had seen them before, she must have seen them!

"It was a long time ago, and I don't know whether it's them or not. The main thing is that the two girls are particularly beautiful, and judging from their conversation, they should be sisterhood, and I also heard them talking about your name..."

"Who were they talking to?" Jason interrupted.

"A man."

"What did he look like?"

"Well... he looked about the same age as you. A little thin, and his hair is dyed with a bunch of yellow. I didn't see him clearly because of the dark sky..."

Yellow Hair?


Jason was stunned and asked in a hurry, "Do you know where they went?"

"I don't know... Because I heard your name in their chatting, I deliberately listened for a while, and I am not familiar with this place, so..."

"Well, thank you. Don't close your headset. I'll contact you at any time if I need anything."

After Jason finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and was about to call Uncle Dong.

"Are you leaving again?"

Suddenly, Elanie raised her head and drank up the red wine in the glass in one breath. Then she looked at Jason with a red face and said.

"You've drunk too much." Jason glanced at her and said.

"Do you despise me? Or do you also think that a woman like me is very cheap? For business, I can do anything. Drink or play with my clients. Although we also have wealth and status compared with ordinary people, but in your people's mind, we are actually no different from beggars on the roadside, right?"

Elanie held a goblet in his hand and looked at Jason with drunk and bleary eyes.

At this moment, her mood was extremely complicated.

At the beginning, she spent a high price to buy an invitation to attend the birthday party of Bard Chen. Today, she didn't hesitate to climb the Fairy Valley in high heels. After being humiliated several times, she almost gave up all her dignity to get the opportunity to enter the Shen family's banquet hall...

She gave up everything that she could give up.

She even regarded herself as the laughing stock of the entire Nandu business community...

But this man in front of her, she had met him from the beginning. She had always looked down upon him and ignored him... It turned out that he was a friend of the Shen family!

And he was even Yennie's friend!

Elanie looked at Jason and did not know whether she should be happy or hateful.

He could easily help her to complete the things she had tried her best to get.

But he...

Elanie didn't know whether what she had done in the bathroom in the woods was right or not.

At the very least, if back in time, she might still do it without knowing Jason's identity.

Facing Elanie's questioning, Jason shook his head and said, "You have drunk too much. Go find a place to rest. I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you."

Jason waved his hand and asked the waiter to take Elanie aside for a rest.

At the same time, he walked to a corner where no one was around and took out his phone.

"Send someone to find Jack. The Chen sisters are now with him."

As soon as the phone was connected, Jason said briefly.

"Jack is also here?" Uncle Dong thought for a moment. "Do you know where he is now?"

"I don't know for the time being, but you can check out the surveillance at the gate two hours ago. He probably lured the Chen sisters in during this period of time, and Anaya should follow them up during this time, and it is impossible for her to enter the gate without a guide. Jack should not be alone. At this moment, there must be other spies inside the villa, so we must hurry up, I am worried that the Chen sisters will be in danger."

Jason simply said his analysis. After Uncle Dong agreed, he also told Jason to be careful.

It was already eight o'clock.

According to the previous arrangement, at eight o'clock, it should be the time when David and Mary came out and greet all the guests together.

However, now it was necessary to find out any potential safety problems in the villa. Therefore, their attendance was postponed on the ground that there were important guests to be received.


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