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Power of Money novel Chapter 239

Jason left the parking lot and took a taxi to the driving school.

He was going to get the driving license before Emily came back.

Then he could drive the car in person and let Emily sit in the passenger seat, so that they could go for a ride.

He even wanted to let Emily wear a nurse's dress and white stockings, then they two could make love in the car.

Jason thought happily, and the car soon arrived at the gate of the school.

It was a very famous driving school in Nandu.

There were a lot of cars, coaches. And the field for car training was also large.

It was said that the owner of the school had some relationship with the traffic police team.

The passing rate for driver's license test was very high.

Jason was not here to get his driver's license.

He just wanted to practice his car skills and then get in touch with others.

The car stopped at the gate of the school. As soon as Jason got out of the car, he saw Roy Wang running out from far away.

"F**k, why are you so late? I told my uncle you would come at eight o'clock. It's almost nine o'clock now. The other students have already begun to practice."

They hadn't seen each other for a few days, and Roy looked more decent than before.

Maybe it was because he was driving Benz now.

Roy fixed all his hair with gel, revealing his broad forehead. His suit was straight. Jason thought that he was an insurance consultant at first glance.

Roy ran over and looked around. Then he took out two boxes of unopened expensive cigarettes from his arms and handed them to Jason, saying, "Although you are the young master, since you have chosen to learn to drive here, you should obey the rules here. You can hide it first. When you get in the car and practice with the coach, you can drive the car to a place where no one is around, and then give these to him. Do you understand?"

"Isn't the coach your uncle? How can you do this with your own relative?" Looking at the cigarette in Roy's hand, Jason asked with a smile.

"Don't be silly. It is because that he's my uncle. If you don't send him this present, he'll complain to my mother about it. Don't worry, bills on me. You, the young Master Qin, don't care so much. Just go to learn how to drive."

Roy took Jason's hand and walked into the school.

As soon as they entered the school gate, dozens of cars drove regularly in the large sports ground. Roy took Jason to a big tree beside the wall, and there was a stool in front of them. A middle-aged man in a vest sat on the stool, pointing at the students who were surrounded with flattering faces.

"Let me tell you, there is only one car, and there are so many students. Come earlier every day and be smarter. How much time do you have to practice is all up to me! And I don't care whether you are the boss of a company or the leader of a bureau. You are all students here. If you forget your identity and listen to me, you will have more chance. Do you understand?"

The middle-aged man looked at the group of people beside him disdainfully. At the same time, those people also bowed with flattering faces, for fearing they didn't have a chance to touch the car.

"Uncle, uncle...' Outside the crowd, Roy stood on tiptoe and waved at the middle-aged man.

"Oh, you're here. What about the classmate you mentioned? Hasn't he come yet. Does he have any concept of time?"

The middle- aged man looked up and said grumpily.

"Uncle, come here first. I have something to tell you."

Roy winked and waved hard.

"What the hell are you going to say that you have to say it face to face."

The middle- aged man stood up and dismissed the students. Then he came over impatiently.

"This is your classmate?"

The middle-aged man glanced sideways at Jason and asked.

"Yes, my classmate Jason Qin, he and I were in the same dormitory in the university. Now he wants to buy a car, so he wants to practice more with your instructions and strive to get a driving license as soon as possible."

Said Roy as he poked Jason with his arm.

Jason was stunned, then he suddenly understood and nodded. He said to the middle-aged man, "Well, let's talk about it in the car. I have brought some local specialties. It's not convenient for you to take it by hand. It's more appropriate to put it in the car."

In fact, since Jason appeared, the coach had noticed something bulging in his arms.

Looking at the square box, he clearly knew what was hidden in Jason's clothes.

Moreover, he had heard from Roy that this boy came from a rich family, so the gift he bought could not be worthless.

So he nodded and pretended that he didn't care, saying, "Let's get in the car and talk about it. I'm tired, too. By the way, let's see how good your aptitude is."


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