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Power of Money novel Chapter 455

Jenkins County was a county under the jurisdiction of Nandu. It was about 40 kilometers away from Nandu.

At the border between Nandu City and Jenkins County, there was a large area of wilderness and a few farmhouse. This was the last bend of the estuary. In order to respond to the environmental and river management policies, the buildings built on both sides had been demolished, and there was not a single factory.

Several quarrys survived luckily and were abandoned in the recent strict military governance. In this place where there was no village or shop, not many residents could stay at ease. Instead, you could occasionally see fishing boats with yellow lights drifting on the river.

Tonight, the rain was particularly heavy. The flood on the asphalt road was splashed with mist that was more than half a meter high. Even if there were no street lights on both sides, people could see the doomsday scene created by the collapse of the sky in the dark. The visibility was less than one meter, so that the cars driving on the road had to carefully turn on double flash and minimize the speed of the car. Some heavy trucks even parked the car on the side of the road, opened the double flash, lay in the driver's cabin to sleep, and continued the journey after the rain stopped.


A black commercial vehicle stopped at a remote intersection between Nandu City's 773rd countryside road. There was a flashlight swaying twice in the dark rainstorm, so a group of people came out of the business car. They were all wearing black plastic raincoat and a large hat that covered their heads tightly. Although they were careful enough, under the heavy rain, the plastic raincoat still made a "swoosh" sound.

Someone complained in a weird voice that the weather in Celestial Empire was too weird. After being scolded by their leader, no one dared to speak and silently walked on the road that was swept by the heavy rain.

Cannon wrapped his raincoat tightly and pulled down the hat on his head. Looking back at the Japanese guy behind him, he snorted and led the way with great difficulty.

Cannon was the contact person of the group of bandits. They sneaked here under the cover of the underground net of the Dragon Society, and then arrived at the seaside of the town through a fishing boat upstream of the Zhenjiang Gang. They were careful all the way and brought the group of scattered killers to their destination.

Cannon was very depressed to be responsible for supporting these guys.

Not to mention the risks, recently, because there was a national competition in Nandu in Nandu, the martial law was being organized everywhere. Regardless of the urban area or the suburbs, including the nearby counties, Zongmen and patrol cars, the armed police were everywhere, including the secret sentries in the underground world. In such a situation, it took a lot of effort and effort to cover the identities of several people.

However, this group of guys was used to being arrogant and domineering in the triangle area. The people in charge of the operation at the beginning were directly interrupted by their words. They had no choice but to replace him, the bannerers of the Dragon Society, in the first place. After they suffered a few times, they suppressed their defiant momentum.

"No matter how arrogant you are in China, Beijing, and Myanmar. Since you have come to China, you have to take care of yourself or lie down. Otherwise, you don't even know how you died."

Cannon took this group of people and walked for a while on the mountain road with no one and no car. Suddenly, he jumped down from the side of the road and went on a narrow road that was not completely paved with asphalt.

At this time, the group of people behind scolded and shouted again, because even if they were on the flashlight, they still couldn't see anything. The road was dark no matter how they looked. Following Cannon, they stepped on it several times, accumulated all the resentment along the way and finally couldn't help venting it.

"Damn you, shut up!" Faced with the complaints of these desperate people, Cannon did not put them in his eyes at all. Instead, he growled in a more fierce tone, "Don't forget where you are now! Even the mercenaries are dead in China. How many lives do you think you will have to eat the bullets of Alliance?"

Some Vietnamese who knew Huaxia language quickly translated Cannon's words to them, and those people glanced at Cannon with fierce eyes, but in the end, they did not speak again.


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