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Power of Money novel Chapter 467

In the spinning restaurant of Q&X Mansion.

Jason and Chen Stephanie simply had dinner and drank some red wine, then they began to get to the point.

"Your sister is still in the Capital City, but she may be in a bad situation."

Although he was not willing to tell Chen Stephanie this news in advance, Jason thought about it over and over again and felt that it was better to let her be mentally prepared.

Chen Stephanie did not speak. She stared at Jason with her beautiful eyes.

"The Dragon Society blamed Thomson's death on the Shen family and the Bai family. Although I don't know how he died, because your sister was in the Capital City some time ago, she had been active in the the Jiang family. The Dragon family judged that she was an important figure, so they took her away and controlled her in an unknown position."

"But, my sister called me last time..." Chen Stephanie pursed her lips and said.

"That was done under the surveillance of the Dragon Society." Jason sighed.

He also learned from the Poisonous Dragon that a week after the fall of the the Jiang family, Riley was taken away by him personally and escorted by the Black-Dragon Society.

As for the reason, it was just that Riley made too much noise in the Capital City during that period of time.

First, he followed Yennie, then he shot at Teddy, and then went in and out of the various top clubs in the capital city. He did not hide his identity at all, and even announced that the Shen family and the Bai family would not stop until the river flow was dead. As a result, it was heard by the followers of the Dragon family. They mistakenly thought that Riley was a spy placed by the Shen family and the Bai family in the capital city. They were directly taken down by the Poisonous Dragon and locked her up, trying to get the information they wanted from her.

Although after hearing the news, Jason wanted to stand out and clarify immediately that he had nothing to do with this woman.

However, after thinking about it, he felt that there were no more 300 taels of silver.

The Dragon Society would definitely not be able to get any information from Riley. Besides, in order to save her life, Riley would definitely pretend to know everything and fight with them.

In this way, he would have some more opportunities.

The Dragon King felt that he was fearless and would not pose too much of a threat to himself so soon.

There were still some time for him to take a breath.

However, Chen Stephanie's eyebrows tightened and her eyes were full of worry.

"The gang won't do anything to my sister, will they..."

"I don't think so." Jason comforted her. "As far as I know, your sister's communication and personal freedom have been limited. Every day, someone will ask her for advice. After all, the Dragon Society has also stated that if she really goes out of line with a woman who is weak and weak, she will be humiliated by the same way."

The reason why he didn't worry too much about Riley's safety was mainly because the Poisonous Dragon had said that there was a rule of the Dragon Society that any disciple in the gang who dared to do anything to the old and the weak would be executed!

Riley was just a bait, so it was more convenient for them to take action as if she was lying to him to leave Nandu.

However, the more concerned he was, the more confused he would be.

Chen Stephanie did not think of these things. Instead, he suddenly reached out and held the back of Jason's hand tightly. He asked with his eyes twinkling, "My sister, she will be fine, right?"

Jason's heart skipped a beat.

Although since Riley disappeared, this woman had been pretending to be very strong.

But women's inner weakness was still easy to be broken.

"It will be fine."

Jason nodded solemnly. After holding Chen Stephanie's delicate hand with his backhand, they looked at each other for a moment and then led her out of the restaurant.

The white Bentley was driving slowly on the street, while Chen Stephanie was sitting in the passenger seat. The cold president of the past was full of happiness at the moment.

Jason took her hand and walked from the restaurant to the parking lot.

He even took the initiative to drive for himself.

Although Jason seemed to be careless, he was still quietly provoking the ice president's heart. His calm heart, which had been calm for more than 20 years, was finally completely disturbed, and ripples of inexpressible ripples were rippling around.

She even quietly hoped that the journey back home could be longer and longer, so that she could get along with Jason for a longer time, even if she was just sitting here and watching him quietly.

However, Jason, who was driving, did not notice the change of expression on the female president's face at this moment.

Jason drove the car and kept looking at the rearview mirror on both sides, as if something was attracting his attention.

Gradually, a layer of frost covered Jason's eyes.


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