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Power of Money novel Chapter 471

Kernel raised the knife in his hand and chopped it down!

The middle- aged man's eyes suddenly widened, and then his body softened and fell directly toward Jason.

Kernel was quick-witted. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the middle-aged man's shoulder to stop him from falling down. At the same time, he held the middle-aged man with his other arm, crossed his waist and picked him up, and then held him on his shoulder.

"Send it to the base," Jason said to Kernel.

"Okay!" Kernel nodded. At the same time, a black van without taking pictures quickly passed by the end of the road and stopped at the side of the road. The door was pulled open. Jason got in first. Kernel also got in the car after throwing the middle-aged man into the trunk. After driving for several kilometers, he raised his wrist and clicked on the black electronic watch. The screen showing the time numbers instantly showed a line of words, "Turn off the electromagnetic interference."

The electronic watch worn by Kernel was a military electronic watch with the most advanced magnetic field interference technology in the world. The high- intensity electronic shock wave emitted from this watch could instantly block all the electronic devices within 100 meters nearby and it didn't work properly.

Some secret monitoring equipment couldn't shoot the scene.

In the van.

In addition to Jason and Kernel, as well as the middle-aged man in the trunk, there was also Qiang sitting in the passenger seat, following the driver, A Ming.

Everything was under Jason's control.

Jason had been prepared for everything since he was tracked. He not only wanted to kill a few unimportant killers, but also wanted to find out the conspiracy behind the whole thing, including the middle- aged man who had protected him.

"Master Qin, it was very exciting last night. 2D9, it can be blown for a long time." Qiang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned his head and said with a smile.

After getting along for a period of time, especially after experiencing the ambush of the Fish Pool in Jenkins County, Jason and the members of the "Hunter" special action team were no longer just masters and servants at the beginning. They were more like comrades-in-arms, and they were also courageous men. They soon became a group of people.

"Ha-ha, it's a piece of cake. If it weren't for the limited number of bullets, I would have been enough by myself." Jason spit out a smoke ring and said calmly.

"It seems that Mr. Zhang's guidance is very effective. Since his disciple is so excellent, isn't it necessary to make a contribution to him when he goes back?" Qiang said with a smile.

"Where is Hansen?" Jason glanced at him and found that Hansen didn't come.

"Mr. Zhang is still interrogating the Viper. This guy is really stubborn. You didn't say anything valuable during the two days when you left, but it won't take long. At dawn today, I think this guy can't bear it. Mr. Zhang will strike while the iron is hot, and he is ready to directly attack him in one breath."

"Okay." Jason nodded. As the Four Big Protectors of the Dragon Society, the information that the Poisonous Dragon knew must be as deep as the sea. As long as he was willing to spit it out, these news would play a vital role in what kind of action they would take next.

"Master Qin, the person in the trunk is the one you called last night?" In the "Hunter" special action team, Kernel was a little older and served for the longest time. It was difficult to change his subordinate and subordinate's belief in a short period of time, so his tone of speech was quite respectful.

"Yes, he was the one who shot the leader to death. Otherwise, last night's situation... would be too dangerous to be expected." Jason sighed.

After all, Chen Stephanie was a pampered woman. Even if she took charge of business alone and trained herself to have a psychological quality that was far better than ordinary people, but in the scene last night, if it was not for the middle-aged man who shot the killer leader in time, once the target was exposed, she would probably fall into an extremely dangerous environment.

"Hiding, stalking, hunting... He can precisely shoot the target to death at a distance of fifty meters away. His marksmanship and super combat quality are indeed incomparable to that of ordinary professional killers. What's more, after the battle, he didn't continue to follow you to his residence. It can be seen that he has more than one task, to figure out the truth behind every assassination that targeted you. I'm afraid that is the key reason why he could lurk for a whole night on the spot."

The analysis of Kernel was similar to Hansen's speculation on the phone yesterday.

Hansen, who was also a scout, asked Jason to stay up all night. After confirming that the middle-aged man did not follow him to the villa area, he concluded that he must continue to observe in his original position and wait for the real prey to appear.

The car left the Northern Street all the way, took the highway around the city, and quickly drove into the shipyard by the sea.

Hansen had been waiting in the yard with other members for a long time.

Seeing that the car stopped, he immediately opened the door and asked Conald to open the trunk and pull out the middle-aged man who had already woken up.

"Who are you?"

Jason and other people's words in the car were clearly heard by him in the trunk. He knew very well that the group of men standing in front of him at the moment were all like him. They had been tested by the war for a long time and were really retired soldiers!

However, when his eyes fell on Hansen in front of him, his pupils suddenly contracted sharply. Hansen's eyes froze, as if he had seen a ghost. Then he immediately stood upright and subconsciously saluted, "Even..."

"Forget it."


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