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Power of Money novel Chapter 515

When the three of them returned to the villa on the top of the mountain, it was getting cold.

Chen Stephanie went to cook porridge.

There were ready- made ingredients in the refrigerator.

When there were only two people left in the living room, Riley suddenly moved to Jason's side. She put her red lips under his earlobe and asked, "Don't you know where I am..."

Jason was stunned for a moment, then he reacted. He turned his head, almost face to face with her, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Yes, I do."

Riley blinked her eyes. "I'm not very satisfied with your performance in the car. Now I'll give you a chance to make up for it."

"Here?" Jason was surprised.

Chen Stephanie was cooking soup in the kitchen. The kitchen door was still open, but Riley dared to make such a request...

Jason glanced at her and asked, "Why


"I'm not satisfied." Riley giggled. "Why don't you sleep with me tonight and let my sister sleep in the guest room? What do you think?"

"The soup is ready."

When Jason opened his mouth and wanted to speak, he suddenly heard a cold voice from the door of the kitchen.

Then she turned back and saw Chen Stephanie, who was in a long black dress, standing there and looking at her with a cold face.

Heh heh heh...

Jason laughed bitterly in his heart. How was it possible that the soup was ready in just a few minutes?

"I'm not hungry."

Jason smiled awkwardly and sat down on the sofa next to him to keep a safe distance from Riley.

And Riley also lifted her hair and said, "I'm not hungry." Then she stood up and went upstairs, taking a shower and changing clothes, and going to sleep.

However, when he saw that the domineering lady Chen Stephanie was still standing at the door coldly, with her beautiful eyes almost frosted over and a spoonful of soup in her hand, Jason stood up awkwardly and asked, "You're not hungry either, are you? Let's go to sleep?"

Chen Siqin threw away the spoon, untied the apron on her waist, and went straight upstairs.

In the room.

Jason entered the room and closed the door. Looking at the cold domineering lady sitting on the edge of the bed with no expression on her face, he asked with a smile, "Are you angry?"

Chen Stephanie raised her head, only to find that Jason's beautiful eyes were welling up with tears. Her heart suddenly skipped a beat, and she stepped forward to squat in front of her and asked, "What's wrong?"

But she didn't expect that she didn't ask. With such a question, a crystal teardrop suddenly flowed down from Chen Stephanie's eyes. She didn't wipe it and let the teardrops slide across her white cheeks and fall to the ground.

Women's tears had always been extremely precious.

Especially Chen Stephanie, a domineering elder sister who was not good at expressing her feelings, could greet without changing her expression even if the sky fell down, unless she was really sad to the extreme...

Their eyes met.

Jason sighed.

Chen Stephanie opened her mouth slightly and said, "You have..."

Jason nodded and said, "If I say I'm treating her, do you believe it?"

Chen Stephanie didn't speak, but the corners of her mouth compressed even more.

"In fact..."

Jason opened his mouth, but it was gently blocked by Chen Stephanie's fingertips.

"Let me get used to it for a while. I think I can accept it..."

Chen Xuanxuan pursed her lips. She still remembered what the promise she made to Jason was.

No matter what, as long as he needed, she could appear at any time. As for Jason's life, she would not intervene at all.

However, she did not expect her sister to be so fast...

All of a sudden, Chen Stephanie felt a warm arm holding her tightly.

Then, he heard a deep voice in his ear, "I'm sorry."


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