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Power of Money novel Chapter 548

The next morning.

Jason left the Wandering Villa holiday area and drove to Linton City.

Not just him.

Including the core figures of Shen's Group such as David, Mary, Uncle Dong and Leonard, they all gave up their jobs today. After receiving the call, they immediately drove to Linjiang.

Among them, some important figures of the Chans were included.

There was only one reason.

Lawrence was dead.

The time of death. Three o'clock in the morning last night.

When he was swimming in the sea at night, he accidentally fell into the water, and his body was discovered one kilometer downstream. When he was rescued, he was dead and his body was like a drowned pig because of drowning.

"Jason, everyone feels bad about your uncle-in-law's accident. Although his son is unfaithful and unfilial, your uncle risked his life for me, your father, and the Shen family... From this point of view, if you see Leonard later, don't make trouble with him in your uncle's mourning hall. The dead is the largest, and we can deal with it when we come back. Is that okay with you?"

On the other end of the line was Mary's sobs.

Among all the Chans's relatives, the one who doted on Mary the most was Lawrence, who was also thrown out of the family in the past.

At that time, David still had nothing to do. Lawrence was afraid that his niece would suffer outside with this rascal, so he decided to give up his position as the most popular Hall Chief at that time. He followed David from zero and gradually established the current business empire of Shen's Group. It could be said that what he did was all for his niece. Now his uncle, who loved him so much, died. How could Mary not be grief-stricken?

Jason nodded and said, "Well, I know what to do. Mom, don't be too sad."

Since the accident happened in the family, David, for the sake of Mary's safety, had always placed her in the house under the protection of his family. It was not until he heard the death of Lawrence this morning that David and David appeared in the public's vision together.

"That's good, that's good. You can drive slowly. I have already arrived with your father. Let's talk about it when we meet. I'll hang up first."

He hung up the phone.

Jason looked at the luxury cars in front of him, which were also coming from the highwayway south of Nandu in Nandu, and sighed deeply.

Yesterday afternoon, he had just met Lawrence, but he was drowned to death that night...

For some reason, Jason felt a sense of foreboding at this moment.

He seemed to have a feeling that there was a storm waiting for him in the Riverside City at the moment. Whether he could get through the storm or not, it all depended on God's will...

More than 300 kilometers of distance, under the full speed acceleration of Bentley, was quickly shortened.

When Jason turned the car to the entrance of the Lakeside Villa garden, he looked around. In front of the big villa's gate, there were already waves of bracelets sent by people from all over the world. Yellow paper money was flying in the air, and the descendant of Lawrence, who wore mourning clothes, was standing at the door, greeting the guests who came to mourn with a sad face... It was a silent place.

Guided by the security guard, Jason pulled over the car.

After getting off the car, a servant of the Chans wearing a white cloth on her waist immediately came forward and bowed respectfully in front of Jason and said, "Mr. Qin, Chief Shen and his wife have been waiting for you in the room for a long time. Now come with me."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Jason nodded and motioned for the other party to lead the way.

Along the way, Jason saw a lot of familiar faces here.

However, most of them were from the Chans.

From the way they had gathered together and their conversation, Lawrence's death had not brought too much of a stir to these the Chans members.


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