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Power of Money novel Chapter 615

"Thirty billion yuan?"

"It's for me?"

Sherry opened her mouth wide and looked at Li Bodhisattva in disbelief.

"Yes. Master Qin often told us that he had wronged you in both caring and economic aspects when he was with you before. As her first love, you didn't enjoy everything he had now as compensation. He intended to transfer all the 300 billion yuan he provided for the financial situation to you and write down the equity transfer agreement. Do you want to see it now?" Subhuti Li said placidly.

"It's impossible... It's impossible!"

Sherry looked at Li Bodhisattva as if she was crazy and shouted, "It's impossible! How could Jason give me so much money? It's impossible. You must want to trick me. You want to trick me to go back and get Jason back, don't you? I tell you, dream! Even if Jason dies there, I can't go back. Not only Jason, but you all will die. No one can survive. All of you will die!"

Jason used to be treated like a pig and dog by her, and she even cheated on him. How could he feel guilty about himself and leave such a large sum of money for himself?

Sherry didn't believe it!

But her reaction seemed to have been expected by Bodhi, so she did not explain or explain. Bodhi calmly took out a document with a folded red seal from his arms, handed it directly to Sherry, and said, "Okay, look at it yourself."

Seeing that Bodhi was taking out a document, Sherry's face suddenly looked a little ugly.

She reached out to take the document. There was still a new seal of the roast paint on it, and she could smell a faint paint smell. Sherry tore the sealed painting paper with her finger. When she took out the document and saw the first line of words on it, she was stunned.

"The Transfer Agreement about Ritto Bank Trust Fund on Manora Island"

"It's really true..."

Sherry looked down in disbelief until she finished reading word by word. She seemed to have lost all her strength, sat down on the ground, looked at the dark night sky with empty eyes, and murmured, "It's true. This transfer agreement is true. Jason left me 30 billion yuan, 30 billion yuan..."

What's the concept of 300 billion trust capital?

Without the cost fee of the trust company, he could earn 70 million yuan per year at the expense of the bank's interest fee!

A total of seven hundred million yuan interest!

This did not include the report that the trust group made an investment all over the world with this money.

Even if the interest was a small amount, it was still much more profitable than what Simon and the Long Faction promised her after killing Jason!

In an instant, an idea suddenly came to Sherry's mind.

Why did he want to kill Jason?

"Wasn't it just for that payment?" she wondered.

But now, Jason gave him a property thousands of times and tens of thousands of times more than these benefits!

Why did he have to kill her?

Unless he was wrong, killing Jason would not be good for him at all. It was very likely that he would let the money slip away.

Thinking of this, Sherry hurriedly got up from the ground regardless of her image. She looked at Bodhi excitedly and asked, "This document is confirmed to be true. Are you faking it to deceive me?"


Bodhi snorted disdainfully. "There are the print of the largest justice department in Celestial Empire, the total chapter of Ritto Group, and Jason's personal signature on it. You can call these two companies now and ask them if this document is true or not."

Sherry was going crazy.

It was true!

To think that the 300 billion worth of asset was actually transferred to him!

In other words, from today on, Sherry was a rich woman who never dared to imagine!

She could reserve all the luxury goods, buy the biggest villa, and the most expensive luxury car! She could go to Hokkaido in the morning to see the sunrise, go to London for afternoon tea in the afternoon, and gamble in Las Vegas at night! She didn't have to worry about money for the rest of her life!


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