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Power of Money novel Chapter 677

Capital City, Jin Residence.

Jin Buhuan, the Master of the Jin Family, had rarely shown his face in the past few days.

He sat steadily in the main hall of the Council Chamber of the Jin Residence. His gaze was like a torch as he swept his gaze across the seven lords at the side of the hall. There was no expression on his face, and no one could see his current thoughts.

"Let's talk about it first, Dormitory Two."

After a long time, in the intense and expectant eyes of the owner of the seventh room, Jin Buliang opened his mouth and said lightly.

"Yes, my lord."

Upon hearing this, Chuck was delighted and walked out.

"Tonight, I have already seen Dan from Gavila and Colton from Thailand. Both of them expressed their interest in cooperating with us for a period of time in the future. Moreover, I am drafting a contract. I will send it to them tomorrow. There should be no big


Although Dan and Jason had not directly agreed to cooperate with Chuck, in Chuck's eyes, it was already a foregone conclusion.

After all, Lara was now very close to 'He Si City'.

A project worth more than 200 billion yuan. Once it was won by him, it would be of immeasurable help to the Jin Family, and it would also help him to compete for the next master, which would add a lot of weight to him.

"How much money?" Jin Buyi asked.

"Thirty billion!" Chuck said excitedly. This number was secretly revealed to him by Lara according to Jason's instructions. But Lara didn't know what to do in the future. After all, Jason left in a hurry at that time. Except going to Four Seasons Hotel to get the invite letters from the two brothers of the Su family, he didn't leave any other words.

"So many?" Jin Buhuan's eyes showed a trace of surprise. 13 billion. Even as the head of the Jin Family, he was not calm.

"Yes, I heard that this project is a new city project jointly developed by both Colton and Gavila. They have already spent more than 40 billion yuan to get the land. It's not including the welfare policies given by the government. Once the new city is built, it will become a business card of Yanjing and become the international big city of the literary brigade. The project has never been seen before in Capital City ten years later! The profit of it is even more inestimable..." Chuck talked about the project as if he had already held it in his hands.

"The writing center..." Jin Buhui nodded thoughtfully. "Some time ago, when I was having dinner with some senior officials of Capital City, I heard him mention it. But he should still be in the Blueprint plan, and he finished it so quickly? Can you do it?"

"Not yet..." Chuck hesitated for a moment and then said, "But I have sent someone to Predecessor District to carry out this matter. It is estimated that there is no big problem. After all, even if Colton lies, Dan, as the vice president of Gang Island, will not lie to us with him. Besides, not only our family, although Colton wants to cooperate with us, Dan seems to be interested in the Su Family. Moreover, the Su Family has also looked for Colton, and it seems that they want a share of the pie."

"It's such a big thing, so it's better to carry it out. It's almost early in the morning, and your men don't have to wait until tomorrow. Butler directly contact the manager of the authority over there. Now it's clear that the shopping mall is like a battlefield and the opportunity is fleeting. Don’t hinder the business of the Jin Family because of these complex procedures."

Speaking of this, Jin Buhuan's face became serious again.

"As for the Su family, they don't dare to openly rob us of our business. Su Rushi's sons and daughters are missing, and he can't even protect himself now. If he offends us, he's undoubtedly looking for death. We'll let them do whatever they want. We don't need to worry about him."

"Yes, I understand."


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