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Power of Money novel Chapter 709

The content of the letter was exactly what Kong Buyu wrote to Kong Jiangheng in order to seize the economic lifeline of the Kong Family six years ago. Kong Qiuzi wanted to work together with him and Samar to destroy Galen and take the Flying Dragon Society as his own.

Even though there were only a few strokes, it was a close shave.

In the newly- built content, Kong Buyu incited Kong Riverside directly. He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity six years ago when he went to Putian City to do something on the helicopter, so that when the helicopter returned to the harbor, Kong Buyu could create an empty space to cover up the truth.

After that, all the blame should be placed on the Li family on Gavila Island.

It was exactly the same as what had happened today, except that there was no difference between the party involved and the family.

"Is he doing this just for the list in my hand?"

Galen stared at the letter with red eyes, gritted his teeth, and said in a low voice.

"In fact, it's no different from Kong Jiangzhao. Since six years ago, he has not told the new rich people in the list to the Kong Family in Capital City. He still used the wealth that was exchanged on the list from 10 years ago. According to the standards, the wealth is handed over to the Kong Family in Capital City according to the law. But in recent years, just relying on the prestige of the Kong Family, the number of new members in the list has been more than doubled than the original number. Where are the profits of these people?"

Jason looked at Galen with a smile.

"Don't think that the Kong Family doesn't know anything. It's just that Kong Xin doesn't know. He kept it a secret from the Kong Family. Kong Buyu is also keeping it a secret from Kong Xin. When he dies, the profits twice as much will become his own. It's really tempting to think that he can earn more than 100,000 people's wealth alone..."

"That's enough!"

Galen roared in a low voice, interrupting Jason's next words.

From the moment he established his foothold in Gavila and established the Feilong Club to constantly recruit members from the outside world, he did start to hide a part of the list from the Kong Family and pocket the profits produced by these people in the list to his own pocket.

In the private account of South Heaven's Union Bank of Switzerland alone, there was more than 30 billion deposits.

His personal wealth was comparable to that of the billionaires ranked first on the List of Forsa Clan in the Mainland.

Not to mention the properties and funds distributed in other parts of the world.

He had long earned enough money. For a few generations, he didn't have to worry about food and drinks, and he couldn't afford to spend them.

Therefore, he didn't care about the money on Jason's purchase list at the beginning at all.

However, what he didn't expect was that Kong Shu- you, from Capital City, had been spying on everything he had painstakingly managed. Moreover, he had been hiding the truth all along. He wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of him and turn all his wealth into his personal property.

"Apart from this letter, did Kong Jiangzhe mention anything else to you?"

Galen lowered his voice and asked Jason.

"What else do you want to know?" Jason asked with a smile.

"Tell me everything you know about Kong Buyu. I can't help the Kong Family to deal with the Shen Family in the Nandu City, but I can't betray the Rhett." Galen gritted his teeth and said these words.

This was how Kong Jiangwan told Jason to deal with the Kong Family and Kong Buyu before he died.

The heads of the five young masters of the Kong Family were not as calm as they looked.

Rhett Ko Xin was in charge of the overall situation, so they could at least maintain amiability on the surface and act as easily as the wind and clouds.

However, in private, there would be a struggle where there were people.

Among them, Galen and Kong Buyu were the most powerful.


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