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Power of Money novel Chapter 749

The speed of the staff carrying goods in the warehouse was far beyond Jason's imagination.

One or two hundred people took action at the same time. In the blink of an eye, a small hill was piled up in the open space ten meters away from the back door where the luggage was stored.

"These people's physical strength is dying. After Su Jian starts to take action, we will go out to help Qu Zhihai clear the way and deal with these people. Then we will carry cargo and leave here directly."

Jason looked at the disciples of Kong Family who were busy at the back door. Although they were large in number and carried the goods very fast, it was impossible to transfer all the goods in the warehouse in a short time. After all, there were seven to eight meters in the highest place of the storage cabinet in the warehouse. Under the fierce fire, they could only carry the goods in the middle and lower levels, but they had no time to care about the upper ones.

"Look!" Su Mo's eyes widened.

At this moment, Xiao Chen heard a loud noise coming from the northwest. Then someone next to him reached out his finger, and saw a flame in the distance suddenly rising up into the sky, which was extremely dazzling in the thick smoke.

"It's Warehouse No. 12! Su Jian and the others have succeeded!"

Kernel suddenly opened his mouth when he saw this.

Jason nodded. After glancing at the fire that rushed to the night sky, he quickly turned his eyes back to the back door of the 7th warehouse.

Obviously, such a strong explosion attracted the attention of these people in the first place. Many people had just rushed out of the door with wooden boxes in their arms when they stopped and looked up at the direction of the No. 12 warehouse.

"Someone snuck into the Warehouse No. 12! Everyone followed me except for the first team who stayed to keep an eye on the goods. They must have also set the fire in Warehouse No. 7! Don't let go of any of them! Kill them and you'll get 500,000 gold coins and get a million yuan alive! Bros, come with me!"

The security manager gritted his teeth, looked in the direction of the fire in the no. 12 warehouse, and ordered loudly.

"Yes sir!"

At this time, the fire in the Warehouse No.7 had been gradually controlled, and most of the goods had been moved from the warehouse to the back door. As long as some people took the fire guns and finished the finishing work in the warehouse, the others, together with him, went straight to the Warehouse No. 12 to catch the perpetrator alive tonight!

As soon as the order was given, more than half of the people who guarded the goods in the warehouse at the back door disappeared in an instant, leaving less than 30 people to guard the goods, which was less than Jason's previous estimate.

Besides a few people who were standing around to keep alert, most of these people seemed to be relaxed and sat down on the ground, rubbing their almost unconscious arms and thighs. They carried hundreds of goods within dozens of minutes. Among them, some of them were heavy and huge bronze wares. They felt that they had spent all their energy in these tens of minutes, so they were exhausted. Especially after they sat down, they didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"Get ready!"

At this moment, Kernel led everyone and slowly stood up from the trashy burning pool. Staring at the people behind the door, he raised his hand.

"Let's go!"

Just as the security guard turned his head facing the burning pool and looked at the other direction, Kernel did not hesitate at all. With a single order, he was the first to rush out of the burning pool. His figure was like lightning and instantly appeared behind the person. Without any words, he raised his hand to hold his throat and his other hand grabbed his head at the same time. As his two arms crossed and exerted force, he heard a crisp sound. Immediately, the corpse fell to the ground, but on the way, it was held by Kernel's hand.

Even so, the slight sound of bone fracture still attracted the attention of others nearby. As soon as the four or five Kong Family security guards who were on guard turned their heads, several figures suddenly came out from behind them and ended their lives with the same move.

"Don't move. As long as you cooperate, I'll let you live."

After eliminating the security guard in charge of the security in the vicinity, Kernel brought his men and appeared around the goods. He took out the wooden shed and pointed it at the dozens of people who were resting on the ground as he spoke faintly.

These people were stunned, but they did not have the desire to resist.


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