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Power of Money novel Chapter 767

The position of the four armchairs of the Kong Family was facing the crowd.

So the four people's every move on the stage was caught by the guests and friends below.

Judging from the gloomy faces of several people and the behavior of the two Owls who left the scene first and went to the Dragon-gathering Hall, no one would believe that Kong Buyu was the one who said the wrong name. They were more convinced that Jason, who once announced in the Nandu that he would go to the scene today to celebrate Rhett Ko's birthday, had arrived!

The grudge between the two families, Kong Family and Shen Family, was no longer a secret. The Kong Family's "Challenge letter" to the Shen Family ended with no good end. The loss of one-third of the elite forces and the seven Dragon Heads in Jade Valley in the Nandu Jade Valley had already spread to these people's ears.

It could be said that the Kong family, who had always been fearless, had suffered a great loss in front of the Shens this time.

However, some people who were close to the Kong Family knew that in fact, Rhett Ko himself was not optimistic about this matter.

After all, as the number one business empire in China at present, the Shen family made enemies with them, which was to make friends with money.

Furthermore, the Rhett had especially invited David over today. His purpose was for the two families to meet and personally discuss this matter. He wanted to turn the enmity between the two families into friendship. The two families would resolve their past issues and focus on the overall situation.

But now it seemed that the Shen family was not willing to do so.

In other words, Jason was not willing to negotiate with them.

However, now that the birthday party was here, where were the hearts of the people and the wreaths of flowers?

In the complex eyes of the crowd, Jason, who was sitting in the crowd, chuckled softly and said, "This Kong Buyu is really unruly. How can he read half of the congratulatory words for others? I spent a long time thinking about the latter half of the sentence, but he didn't read it. Fuck..."

Jason's voice was very low, and only Lara and Bodhi, who were sitting next to him, could hear him.

"What is it?" Bodhi was the most curious one. He looked at Jason with his eyes slightly tilted and asked.

"Arriving at the Paramount realm and traveling on a crane and immortal journey," said Jason regretfully.


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