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Power of Money novel Chapter 869

Jason looked at her and did not speak.

She quietly looked at Chen Stephanie. From the end of her hair hanging on her shoulders, she could see the delicate black high heels under the dark green skirt.

He looked at you peacefully. It was not hot, nor obscene, but it lasted for a long time. It was like he was appreciating a work of art. After a five-minute silence, he just looked at Chen Stephanie for five minutes.

"It's no use looking at me like that. There are some things that have to be said. If you want me to be the villain, then I'll be the villain. It's no big deal." Chen Stephanie suddenly said. She really couldn't stand Jason's eyes.

However, Jason still did not speak, but a strange smile was gently outlined on the corner of his mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" Chen Stephanie looked a little embarrassed. This was not the time when they were alone in private. She could accept some of Jason's actions. Today, in front of so many people, she still had some scruples about the face of her goddess president.

"He's laughing at you because you haven't married yet, and he's starting to be a housekeeper." Yvonne, who had been deep in the sofa drinking, suddenly said with a light smile.

"A housekeeper's wife?" Chen Stephanie was stunned for a moment. "Are you talking about me?"

"Otherwise, among so many people present, there seems to be no one who is more concerned about the loss of the Shen family than you are in this matter. If you become the daughter- in- law of the Shen family in the future, isn't this loss also your property? What's the difference?" Yvonne frivolously raised her wine glass and laughed at Chen Siyuan.

Chen Stephanie's face suddenly froze. She did not expect that her words would be interpreted in such a way by Liu Yingling. How could she care about the Shen Family's property? She was just worried that Jason was too arrogant after coming back from the Kong Family and did not take anyone seriously.

"I don't think Sis Liu is right." At this time, the weird-tempered Nolan also said with a smile, "As the CEO of the Chan's Group, she can manage the butler easily. I think that it's better to manage people than managers. Since you've been managing the group for so long, it's time to consider it. Let's see if you're good at managing men. If you manage people well, you don't have to worry about other things."

Chen Xuanxuan was a few years older than Jason. Wasn't it a piece of cake for the domineering lady to take care of her little brother?

"There should be someone to discipline Jason. Otherwise, according to his lawless posture, if there is no one to manage him, I don't know how much trouble he will bring to the group after a period of time. This person must be steady and mature. He has experienced the company's management management experience. It is better for him to be a few years older than Jason. A female junior can hold gold bricks. As Jason's cousin, I can support this matter."

Jessica quickly sat down beside her and said, adding oil to the fire.

"Behind the successful man must be a more mature woman than him. Jason is in urgent need of a good helper who can take care of him and help him out behind his back. I think First Miss Chan is good. Of course, she must think highly of the kids younger than her." Elanie curled his lips and recalled some of his experience in the bamboo forest a long time ago.

Seeing that an emergency meeting was about to be held, Jason shook his head and said, "I'm older than me, so there's no problem, but well talk about it later. Let's talk about Stephanie's proposal now."

"You also know to talk business." Chen Stephanie said with no expression on her face. But when she heard Jason say that she didn't mind a woman's age shorter than hers, she felt very happy.

"What we are going to talk about next may require you to avoid it. I have to talk privately with Stephanie and my cousin. I will inform everyone as soon as possible if there is anything wrong. I am really sorry."

Jason stood up. The business of the ancient family was only between the three of them. Although Jessica knew a little about it, he didn't intend to let her take part in it.

After the order to leave, everyone present got up to leave one after another. Their daily work was also very busy. Today, they were able to come here to have a meeting, which was also a bit of time taken out of their busy schedule. The group group had many things to deal with, waiting for them to go back and deal with them.

However, when Jason saw that Yvonne had also stood up and was about to leave, he couldn't help but frown and ask: "You want to go as well?"

"That's right. You and Stephanie should keep an eye on some things in private. I'm sleepy and I want to go back to sleep," Yvonne said lazily.

"But if you're not here, what should we do about what happened on Bodhi's side?" Jason asked with a frown.

After a period of time in the Kong Family, the relationship between Yvonne and Bodhi had already developed to perfection. Their tempers and characters were matched, and there were many common words between them. When they parted ways, Bodhi even stopped the next time they met and wanted to make a toast to Yvonne and her sister.

How could such a person leave right now and not participate in the discussion?

"Bodhi is abroad now. She will participate in the technical support of a power system for her father. There are many projects to discuss and she won't be able to come back for a while. So you don't have to look for her. If you have something to say, just find the person. I can't help you much. Don't say it anymore. Your house is a little drunk. I have to go back to sleep. If there is something, I will contact


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