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Power of Money novel Chapter 929

Jason looked around and snorted with disdain. "Wang Wei is like this. How can his woman stay with him and work hard to support him? This kind of woman is not bad. When you leave later, you go to her factory and ask her to resign. Find a better place under our group to give her and give her a sum of money. Take it as a... small compensation for what we have done for her family over the years."

Jason and Jiang Hao waited in Wang Wei's house for about two hours. Wang Wei, who went to settle the case, hurried back.

"D*mn it. When you went there, you asked me to wait until the end of work tomorrow. No matter what, it couldn't be done. Fortunately, I gave him 100,000 yuan and worked overtime to finish it. This 100,000 yuan should be yours, and you can't give it to me."

Wang Wei pushed the wheelchair into the door and came to Jason and Jason while cursing.

"You sold the case?" Jason looked at him and asked.

"Well, this is the case sheet. Take a look at it yourself. There is their signature and seal below." Wang Wei took out a piece of paper from his arms and printed it on the table. "You have to pay me 100,000 yuan. It's too dark. You should give me 50,000 yuan at first. Damn it. I have to imprint 100,000 yuan on his table before he agreed to do it..."

Horace picked up the list on the table and glanced at it.

Following that, he nodded at Jason.

"Give it to him," Jason said.

Horace put the cheque, which he had just written on the table, which was worth a hundred million yuan, on the table, and then the two were about to get up and leave.

"Wait a minute!"

After Wang Weibo carefully checked the check, he suddenly spoke.

"Do you want to go back on your words?" Horace's eyes were filled with killing intent. He hated people who didn't take what they said seriously the most.

"No, I just want to ask David whether he can come out of it or not. If he can't, then forget it. But if he can come out, let me know if you are in trouble. In fact, it is not all Leonard's fault. That night, I used my parents to block his knife. It was because his knife was so fast and he turned on the light. He came for me, not my parents. Hahaha!"

While Wang Wei was laughing wildly, Jason and Jiang Hao walked out of the house.

"Master Qin, I have sent someone to find Wang Wei's wife in the factory. Where are we going next?" After getting on the car, Horace started the car and asked.

"Nandu International Airport."

At 10:20 p.m..

A international plane flew from a province LF flight slowly landed in the Nandu International Airport.

Lusa, who had been attending an international medical rescue job for more than a month, raised her hand to look at the time with a travel-stained expression on her face.

"Half an hour later than what I said before, Master Qin should have gone back."


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