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Power of Money novel Chapter 989

"The base was attacked at night, and some unidentified people broke in. Although they were discovered in time, the people on the other side were very horrible. Qu Zhihai, Haward, and Hansen were injured in various degrees. It was Victor and Kernel who stopped the people at the place in time, but they let him escape."

At night.

After Jason told Lu Weida the matter, he immediately drove to the abandoned shipyard as soon as he received the news.

The abandoned shipyard was brightly lit tonight. All the searchlights on the roof and wall turned on, lighting up the surroundings of the shipyard without any blind spots. There was no one around, but Jason knew that everyone was hiding in the dark, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The car drove to the front door, and the iron door was straight open to let him in.

"How is it going? Are Hao and the others all right?"

After Jason got off the car, he stared at Kernel, who was walking over, and asked.

"Hao's injury is fine, but there are many fractures in his body, but I don't know his name. It's just that Lin Zhihao and Haward are a little serious. Several of their ribs were broken, and several of them were almost fatal wounds. Especially Lin Zhihao, his thigh artery was punctured by the other side. If he didn't stop bleeding in time, I'm afraid he would have died on the spot." Kernel whispered.

"Is it so serious?" Jason frowned. Except for Hansen and Kernel, the whole Huntsman Team was famous for their combat power, so there was no need to mention Hansen's strength. Haward, Victor, and Kernel were the best fighters that he could have at present, but all of them were defeated by one person, and they even let him escape...

At this moment, Jason noticed that Kernel's body was also covered with many bandages and wounds. It was obvious that he had also sustained quite a big injury.

"Where is Victor?" Jason asked.

"I don't know where he went. He's fine and there's nothing else. Luckily, he made his move. Otherwise, even if I appeared later, I'm afraid I wouldn't be a match for that person." Kernel took in a deep breath and said.

"How could it be like this?" Jason frowned. He did not believe that no matter how strong a person was, he could not fight against the whole Huntsman Team. This was simply beyond the limit of the human strength. There must be some other reason that had not been discovered.

"Did you violate the surveillance video?" Jason asked.

"Yes!" Kernel replied.

"Take me to have a look!"

Jason followed behind Kernel and arrived at the storehouse hall.

Here was the headquarters of the base, equipped with equipment and instruments.


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