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Rebirth of The Vengeful Luna novel Chapter 2


Trust is a very powerful weapon. It could ruin people or bring them close. The way it did to me.-

I have trusted once who betrayed me and the one who wanted to trust me I betrayed him and the result is, he now doesn't trust me.

Augustus... I wanted to let him know that I won't deceive him, not again. But, he is nowhere near me. Just like in my previous life, he didn't come back for three days after having sex that night.

I remembered those days very clearly. I was eager to get out of his mansion, secured by his guards. But, I couldn't as I was detained.

I grieved for three days and waited for Alice to help, not knowing exactly what sort of help she was going to do. Now, I have learnt my lesson.

Still, I am eager to go out of this billion-dollar cage but not to elope and to see him. I have tried to confront his guards in many ways these days, but they ignored me as if I don't even exist!

What the bloody fuck! I am enraged, but do I have the right to be? Well, no. Because, it's me, who made him confine me in this place.

There is no other way that I could contact him. For once, I want him to trust me and let me show my sincerity. However, I know that this would take time and I have to be patient.

I don't even see his beta, Mateo. For some reason, he also wouldn't come near me. C'mon, I won't bite! I even... Don't have my wolf... It's not like I am wolfless, it's just a punishment for my foolishness and mistake.


A sudden Knock brought me out of my thoughts as a female omega came inside. She bowed at me.

"Luna, beta Mateo is waiting for you in the hall room." She informed me as I immediately sat straight.

"He came?" I couldn't hide the suspicion in my tone. However, she nodded again and I dismissed her. "I am coming."

I jumped out of the bed, almost falling on the ground on my face in excitement and rush. Finally! He came! Now, I have a hope to meet Augustus. A little one, but there is!

I dressed up and came downstairs hurriedly to find Mateo waiting in the hall room, doing something on his phone.

He might sense my presence as he looked up in my direction from his phone. A little frown with amusement on his face as he watched me carefully.

"Robert said, you asked for me?" He asked, with his beta tone activated.

I nodded immediately. "Of course, I did. I am trying to send you a message for the last three days but finally, he agreed after lots of pleas."

His brow raised at me silently, filled with question and I continued, "basically, I am not looking for you, but Augustus. I wanted to see him. But..." I roamed my eyes around the place and again watched him with a shrug. "I am like a prison here. No one is letting me out or meeting him. You are my only hope who can take me to him. Please, Mateo."

The amusement and question in his expression were all gone the moment I said those words. His jaw tightened as he shook his head.

"Stop playing sick and weak tricks to escape here, Luna." His tone is firm but calm more than his expression.


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