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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 115

Just as I was barfing my guts out, feeling my stomach cramp up, I felt a soft pat on my back.

Trying to fight off the discomfort, I turned around. Neil's face was serious, his eyes filled with worry. "Feeling better? Let me take you to the hospital."

"No need. Just a bit of a stomach bug. I'll get some meds later." I waved him off.

If I went to the hospital, they'd definitely find out about my pregnancy. And if Neil found out, that would be a problem.

Back in Caladonia, I had snuck off to the hospital for a check-up. I was indeed two months pregnant. The doctor said there was no way to tell if the drugs I'd been taking these past two months had affected the baby.

I was hesitating. I hadn't decided what to do with the baby.

"If you have stomach issues, you should get a thorough check-up and then take medication seriously." Neil, seeing me getting up, grabbed my hand, trying to lead me away.

"I've already seen a doctor!" I pulled my hand away, saying tiredly, "I just came to this room to get some rest. I want to take a nap."

The room seemed to be a rest area. There was a small sofa bed in the middle. I went over, laid down, and closed my eyes.

Maybe it was the pregnancy, but I'd been sleeping a lot lately. Even though I knew Neil was right there, I was too exhausted to care. I soon drifted off.

I had no idea how long I slept. When I woke up, it was already dark outside. There was just a dim light on in the room.

"You awake?" Neil was still there. He was sitting on a chair, watching me.

"What time is it? The wedding's over, right?" I jumped. Didn't Stella and her crew come looking for me?

Neil glanced at his watch, "It's half past nine."

I sat up, surprised. I had slept from afternoon to night?!

Neil added, "Stella came looking for you. I told her to go ahead. I'll take you back later."

"Why did I sleep so long..." I rubbed my forehead.

"Been too tired lately?" Neil asked.

"Maybe. But you didn't have to stick around." I said casually, "It could lead to misunderstandings."

Under the dim light, Neil's eyes looked hazy. I couldn't make out his expression, but I heard him ask, "Would you rather have Russel with you?"

He seemed to have some beef with Russel. I wasn't sure if it was because of me or Bonnie.

I didn't want to talk about it. Linda was waiting for me at the hotel. We had to leave early tomorrow for another city where our potential partners were.

These past few days, besides going home once, I'd been busy with Stella's wedding. I hadn't started on my work yet. Luckily, we still had plenty of time. I just needed to go over there in the morning.

"I should get going." I opened the door and left.

Once outside, I realized how cold it was. Even though it was spring, it felt like winter. The mansion was on a hilltop, so the wind at night was even stronger here. I was just wearing a thin bridesmaid dress. As soon as the wind blew, I got goosebumps all over.

Just then, my phone rang. It was Stella, "Rena, are you awake?"

"Yes. I'm heading to the hotel." I answered in the cold wind.

"I wanted Mitch to take you back, but he couldn't wake you up, so he had to leave you with Neil. I'll send someone to pick you up now!" Stella said.

Was I that knocked out?


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