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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 132

Kate didn't dare to argue with me at work, and looked grumpy all afternoon.

After work, I drove off and right as I was leaving the office, I spotted a familiar red BMW. Bonnie just got out of the car. She was all dolled up, wearing a polka dot beret, looking young and trendy. Her attire matched well with the red BMW.

Why was she here if she had quit her job? I was puzzled, but didn't give it much thought.

After I got back to my apartment complex, I took the elevator up as usual. Just as the elevator doors were about to close, a hand shot in and stopped them. The elevator door slowly opened again, and Neil walked in expressionlessly. He glanced at me once, and then the two of us never made eye contact again.

Neil was carrying some groceries. It was the first time I saw him doing grocery shopping. He looked like a real family guy.

A few seconds after the elevator doors closed, the elevator jolted abruptly. I grabbed onto the handrail to steady myself, my heart pounding.

"The elevator's broken," Neil tried the open door button, but it didn't respond.

"Seriously?" I was speechless. "Call the property management."

Soon, we heard the property management over the intercom, telling us not to panic. The elevator had a minor issue and they had already called a repairman.

Then there was silence in the elevator. Neil and I had nothing to say. The silence was broken by the sound of my stomach. Usually, I would have started cooking by this time. I felt extremely hungry.

Neil glanced at me and I awkwardly turned my head away.

My stomach grumbled again.

"Hungry?" Neil bent down and opened the bag on the floor. Inside, besides some groceries, there were also a few apples and bread.

He handed me a piece of bread, "Here, have a bite."

I nodded, took the bread and started eating. It was gone in two, three bites. The more I ate, the hungrier I got, and I couldn't help but glance at the bag again. I was extremely hungry, it was driving me nuts.

Neil seemed surprised at my sudden appetite. I used to eat very little. He picked up the bag, opened it in front of me, "There’s only a bit of bread and some apples left. Help yourself."

I didn't hesitate, didn't care if the apples were washed or not, and just started chowing down. By the time I was full, there were only three apples left in the bag and all the bread was gone.

"Have you ever had your stomach checked?" Neil didn't seem to care about the few pieces of bread and apples. He looked at me with a furrowed brow.

I wiped my mouth, "Yes, I did. Just a mild gastritis, nothing serious."

"Good," Neil's brow relaxed a bit.

The repairman was taking his sweet time. Half an hour had passed and we finally heard voices from above. The issue seemed to be up there. But I didn't understand how they were fixing it. Suddenly, the elevator jolted again and I lost my balance, heading straight for the wall.

"Watch out!" Neil caught me accurately and swiftly. I ended up in his arms, the familiar scent of tobacco mixed with a faint fragrance entered my nostrils.

Because of my pregnancy, my sense of smell was sharper than before. Sometimes certain smells would make me nauseous, especially the smell of smoke. But the smell of tobacco from Neil's clothes was faint, mixed with a hint of fragrance. I found it surprisingly comforting. I couldn't help but wonder, had my baby already formed some sort of connection with him?

If I worked hard to raise her, but she ended up bonding with Neil, I would be furious.


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