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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 152

Stella contentedly stroked Mitch's face.

"Ugh, annoying." Cathie said a bit confused, then turned to us, "Let's continue our meal upstairs, my friends are still there."

"Nah, I'm heading back to sleep." I replied.

"Cathie, you go ahead and eat. I'm heading back too, I'll treat you next time." Stella had a good impression of Cathie.

Cathie gave an "ok" sign and went back to the private room.

Cooper had already driven off to find Neil, leaving me, Stella, and Mitch alone.

After hearing the whole story, Stella commended me on a job well done.

Then Mitch found something suspicious, "The heart? What does that have to do with Karina?"

"Right, isn't it just that Bonnie looks like Karina?" Stella was also confused.

Next, Bonnie will definitely use the incident to start asking Neil about Karina, pretending to suddenly realize that she's a stand-in.

So I could tell the others first.

I told the two that Karina didn't pass away immediately that year, but after a few days of rescue, she donated her heart, and the recipient was Bonnie.

Stella was dumbfounded, "Wow, that's really shocking..."

"So, Neil and that Kate person cared so much about Bonnie because of this?" Mitch's face was full of shock. "Unbelievable, as his good friend, I didn't know there was such a story!"

"The question is, how did Neil know Bonnie received Karina's heart?" Stella asked after recovering, "Did Bonnie tell him herself?"

I shook my head, "No, I don't know this either. Bonnie always played dumb about Karina, she wouldn't have told Neil herself, I think it might have something to do with Kate."

I really wanted to know how Bonnie, who was only fifteen or sixteen at the time, came into contact with the Aaron family. Hospitals usually don't reveal donor information, they wouldn't have let them meet.

And how did Neil know about Bonnie's heart? Was it really Kate who told him? Then how did Kate recognize Bonnie? When did she tell Neil?

These questions were intricately linked, and I was very confused.

After saying goodbye to Stella, I drove home.

As soon as I got home, I received a voice message from Stella, "Rena, I ended up sending Mitch to the hospital, at least he can act as an informant and gather some news!"

"You're using him as a spy?" I laughed and sent a voice message back.

I pissed Bonnie off so much she passed out, I feel pretty good.

Stella replied, "Haha, I love hearing about these things."

Sure enough, Mitch really was cut out to be an informant. The next day, he passed on some news he heard at the hospital through Stella.

After Bonnie woke up, she started crying and asked Neil to explain about Karina. After Neil finished, she passed out again.

Ada and Dean went to the hospital to find Neil, asking him to let Bonnie go, not knowing that it was their daughter who had been pestering Neil.

"Rena, about those questions last night, Mitch found some answers at Neil's! You met Neil when you and Kate were on a business trip overseas, right? Later, Kate discovered the relationship between Neil and Bonnie, found out that Bonnie was the recipient of her sister's heart, and then she told Neil. Before that, Neil only knew that Bonnie Bitch had heart disease."

My guess turned out to be true. As for how Kate recognized Bonnie, and how Bonnie knew about Karina, these two questions were still unclear.


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