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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 163

Silas got up, opened the door of the private room, checked the situation outside, then let Oscar sit on the sofa first, and then he dimmed the lights in the room to the darkest.

Soon, someone rudely pushed open the door and barged in without saying much.

Silas stepped forward to stop these guys.

He said a few words, and they actually left.

"Silas, do you know them?" Barbara asked.

"I don't know them, but I asked for their boss's name. I've had dinner with him a few times before."

Silas turned the lights back to their original brightness, then looked at Oscar with a serious face, "Ms. Finch, you need to ask your friend how he managed to piss off Finn."

Who's Finn? I'm not quite sure.

Oscar shook his head, "I haven't offended anyone. I'm just a regular office worker. I work nine to five. Today, I just came here to have a few drinks with my colleagues, and I was beaten out of the blue."

"Finn is just a local bully," Alicia seemed to know the guy, "In short, he's a thug. I've seen him a few times. We don't respect him, but we don't want any trouble with him, so we act friendly to avoid him messing with us."

From Alicia's explanation, I got a rough idea of what kind of person Finn was.

Although he was just a thug, he was always causing trouble, often stirring things up at small companies.

His main trick was to send people pretending to apply for jobs, then find reasons to start a fight, finally extorting money.

Many small companies had suffered from his dirty tricks.

But what did this have to do with Oscar? He didn't have any money to be extorted, and he had no chance to offend Finn.

We discussed for a long time, but we didn't come to any conclusion. It wasn't until late at night that we called it a day.

Barbara and Silas drove home, while Alicia dropped Oscar off at his rented place first, then dropped me off.

On the way, I noticed that something was wrong with Oscar. His face was pale, and he was moaning in pain from time to time.

"Ali, let's go to the hospital first," I suggested.

"Irene, I'm fine. No need to go!" Oscar quickly said when he heard my words.

I looked at him seriously, "Oscar, you need to get checked out. We can't put it off any longer!"

Oscar tried to refuse again, but the next moment he passed out.

Alicia immediately drove to the hospital, where the medical staff rushed Oscar in for examination and emergency treatment.

After the examination, I found out that his abdomen had been injured, his spleen had ruptured, and he was bleeding internally. He needed surgery immediately.

If I hadn't taken him to the hospital in time, he might have died in his rented room due to delayed treatment.

I felt a chill run down my spine, and hurriedly paid the surgery fee, urging the doctor to start the operation immediately.

When Oscar was wheeled out of the operation room, it was already dawn.

I told Alicia to go home first because she still had to work and needed some rest.

Oscar hadn't woken up yet. He was lying on the hospital bed, pale and with an oxygen tube still in place.

The IV drip was still running in his hand, indicating that his condition was serious.


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