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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 169

Blood streamed down Raymon's forehead. He touched the blood on his face, then glanced at Neil in astonishment. His emotions quickly shifted from shock to agitation, a fire in his eyes, itching to retaliate.

But in his drunken and injured state, Raymon had no strength to fight back. He soon slumped onto the chair, unsure whether he collapsed due to the alcohol or the blow.

I was taken aback by it all. Just like Raymon, I never expected Neil to step up for me.

"Irene, this..." Oscar was dumbfounded, looking at the motionless Raymon on the chair, lost for words.

"I punched him. You don't have to worry about it." Neil said calmly, grabbing some napkins to clean the alcohol off his hands. His voice had regained its composure, devoid of anger or panic.

Cooper went out immediately to call the staff to manage the situation in the room.

Before long, Raymon was helped out, seemingly on his way to the hospital.

"Thank you, and if Raymon needs medical expenses, I'll take care of it," I told Neil before leaving.

"Are you with him?" Neil asked coldly, his gaze fixed on me and Oscar.

Oscar turned to look at me, his expression somewhat complicated.

I didn't answer. I didn't want to delve into matters of relationships with Neil.

"Oscar, let's go," I told Oscar.

He nodded and followed me out of the hotel.

Once in the car, guilt was all over him. "Irene, I'm sorry. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have faced this today."

I chuckled. "You don't have to blame yourself. It was my impatience. I thought that since I've come back and met you again, I should find a way to help you. I didn't expect it to backfire."

Oscar looked at me, his eyes sincere. "Irene, thanks for looking out for me like this. I'll be fine. I can continue working well in the current company, and if I work hard enough, maybe I can settle down in this city in the future."

"Well, as long as you put in the effort, success is inevitable. Keep it up!" I encouraged him.

After dropping Oscar off at his place, I headed home.

My dad was home that day, and my mom was cooking in the kitchen. He suddenly said, "Rena, there's an art exhibition in a couple of days. Can you go for me? An old friend of mine is hosting it. He's a fantastic oil painter, and it would broaden your horizons."

"Dad, why don't you go yourself?" I didn't quite understand.

"I have a business trip," my dad sounded regretful. "Otherwise, I'd love to have a coffee with him."

He reminded me, "I've prepared a gift for him, an inkwell He really likes it. Can you take it with you?"

I nodded. I had plenty of free time, so visiting the art exhibition seemed like a good idea.

The exhibition was scheduled for 9 a.m. the day after tomorrow, at the Mystic Luna Gallery in Rosemont, not far from our house.

On the day of the exhibition, I dressed in a simple white top and a black skirt, carrying my dad's gift, and headed to the Mystic Luna Gallery.

The artworks at the exhibition were filled with artistic flair. Although I didn't understand oil paintings, I could sense the excellence of these pieces. I was immersed in what I saw.

"Vicente Farr's paintings are becoming more and more valuable. Some rare pieces are nearly impossible to acquire. If I can find a piece that suits my mom today, she'll love it!"

Turning a corner, I was admiring a painting named "Harmony in Nature" when I heard Kate's voice from the other side.

I turned and saw Kate and another woman, holding hands, chatting intimately.


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