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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 173

When Stella and Mitch arrived, my parents had just gotten there too.

They were both deeply concerned about me and also very worried.

My mom was getting a bit superstitious, "Rena, do you think this city is against you? You've been abroad for two years, traveling all over the place with no problems, but as soon as you come back, trouble finds you?"

"Nonsense, Rena grew up here, how could it be against her? I think it's Neil who's bad luck for her. Ever since she married Neil, everything's gone downhill!" my dad said sternly.

"Dad, Mom, Neil and I have been divorced for two years, how could he still be causing me trouble? Besides, he was the one who brought me to the hospital this time." I was a bit helpless as they were getting more and more superstitious.

Stella wanted to say something, but she stopped herself. In fact, she also thought that Neil was causing me trouble.

After a while, my dad took a phone call and went off to work. My mom went to ask the doctor about my condition, leaving only Stella and Mitch with me.

I then mentioned calling Neil, "I've already talked to him, there shouldn't be any issues."

"How did you persuade him?" Stella curiously asked.

I repeated the conversation, which left Mitch a bit puzzled. In the end, he helplessly said, "Good luck to them."

Unfortunately, Mitch's well wishes didn't seem to have any effect.

The next day Stella brought me some news. The two guys had been beaten to a pulp and dumped in a ditch by a mountain road. If someone hadn't heard their weak cries for help, they could be dead by now.

I was a bit shocked, not wanting Neil to do something like this. If things went wrong, I should take the blame.

"Rena, the city's not that big, you're bound to run into Neil if you stay here. I still think he's got an ulterior motive, he wants to get back with you!" Stella said while slicing an apple for me.

Thinking about this gave me a headache and I even considered going on another two-year world tour.

I dodged the topic, "Stella, are you sure those two guys didn't call the police?"

"Won't they be embarrassed if they do?" Stella was angry, "They deliberately hit your car, trying to kill you, they even confessed who was behind it. The guy pulling the strings was Finn, that so-called Finn!"

My heart sunk, I couldn't figure out why Finn was targeting me.

Just as I was deep in thought, Stella suddenly handed me the sliced apple and stood up, a teasing smile on her face, "Russel's here, I gotta go!"

With that, she grabbed her bag and left.

I silently held the apple, looking at Russel standing at the door.

"Where are you hurt?" Russel's brows furrowed as he quickly approached my bedside, inspecting my condition.

I shook my head, "I'm fine, just need a few days rest, how did you know I was in the hospital?"

I wasn't sure if Neil did it on purpose, but the hospital where Russel worked was closer to where my accident happened. Yet, he took me to this farther one.

"Mitch told me," Russel's face was stern, "Finn deliberately had your car hit, do you know him?"

I didn't, so I told Russel about Oscar getting beaten up and the incident at Zion Chemical Plant.

I suspected Finn found out about these two incidents and wanted to retaliate against me.

But I didn't know how he found out.


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