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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 175

On the day I was discharged from the hospital, I relayed what Neil had said to Stella and the others, hoping they could come up with some ideas.

Stella's suggestion was very clear, "This isn’t easy. Just get someone to marry ASAP, see if he still won't back off!"

"If Neil really keeps harassing Rena, I'm afraid no one would dare to marry her..." Barbara Sands looked at me with worry etched on her face.

Meanwhile, Alicia was helping me pack my things.

She sighed, "Neil, why is he doing this? You loved him so much back then and he didn't give a damn, now he's regretting it."

I was speechless, my only thought was that maybe I really should find a man to marry.

He couldn't keep harassing a married woman, and his parents definitely wouldn't allow it.

But where was I supposed to get a suitable man to marry?

Russel's face popped into my mind, but I immediately dismissed the idea. I couldn't use him like that.

But if I had even the slightest feeling for Russel, I'd be willing to take a step towards him, just to see.

The problem was, I only saw him as a good friend right now.

Stella came over and asked, "Rena, I have a candidate in mind, do you remember my pitiful brother?"

"Stop it!" I immediately stopped Stella, "We can't let your brother get hurt!"

"Hurt? It's been two years, he's still single, my mom is going crazy. I've spoken to him, he doesn't mind your past and he can't open his heart to anyone else, he's been waiting for you," Stella got excited as she spoke, "Really, Rena, think about it?"

I immediately refused, "No way, Stella, don't let your brother get hurt again, I'm really not suitable for him."

I was very serious, no joking around.

Stella sighed, "Alright then, I can only pray that my brother finds his other half."

After being discharged, Alicia drove me home where my mom had prepared a feast for us.

Since we returned home, the four of us hadn't had a chance to gather, so we treated today's dinner as a party at my house.

"Do you guys know any reliable bodyguard companies? Recommend one to me." I suddenly thought of this during dinner, before Finn was thrown in jail, I really needed to figure out how to protect myself.

Someone like Finn would definitely find ways to make trouble for me.

Stella and the others looked at each other and shook their heads, they didn't have any information about this.

"Why are you suddenly asking about this?" Stella asked curiously.

"I just feel unsafe, hiring a big, strong bodyguard would give me a sense of security." I answered with a smile, without mentioning Neil's plan to have someone protect me, I didn't want my mom to hear.

My parents were worried when Neil sent me to the hospital, fearing that we would get into a dispute again.

After dinner, Stella and the others left, I still needed to rest at home for a few days.

At this time, my mom started nagging about taking me to get a cross.

As I was looking at my phone on the sofa, she was nagging me when I saw a piece of news that scared me into sitting up straight.

Breaking news! Chairman of Whitmore Co. was exposed for having an illegitimate child!

I immediately clicked on it, but the news had disappeared before the page could load.


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