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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 268

I was absolutely chuffed with the outcome, so I happily prepped for a face mask before hitting the hay.

Just as I was about to nod off, a sudden jolt ran through me, snapping me out of my drowsy state.

With a poker face, Neil sat up straight, as if he weren't the one who had just leaned into me.

"You planning on wearing that face mask all night?" Neil asked as he dangled a mask from his finger.

"How did you get in?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"Came to grab something. Your door wasn't locked." Neil tossed the mask into the trash, casually rummaging through a drawer before pulling out a box of cigars, "You're always so wary of me, so why did you forget to lock the door when you fell asleep? You need to be careful."

He flashed a knowing smile before making his exit.

I stared at the now closed door, mentally calling myself an idiot a few times. Only when I was sure Neil had gone downstairs did I remember to lock the door.

Neil must have had a few. I caught a whiff of alcohol on him earlier. If he drank too much and lost control, I'd be in real trouble.

I double-checked the door, ensuring that it was locked, before finally heading back to bed, now feeling relaxed.

I thought locking the door would do the trick, but suddenly, I was rudely awakened by a knock on the door in the middle of the night. Along with it came Neil's voice, "Who locked my door? Is there a burglar?"

His voice was noticeably slurred. Given his tolerance for alcohol, he rarely got drunk. What was up with him today?

I responded, "Neil, you're plastered. Go sleep it off in the guest room."

It was quiet for a moment outside. I thought Neil had left, but he went and roped in the maid. The maid’s innocent voice rang out, "Mr. Whitmore, the door is locked from the inside. I can't open it."

Neil snapped, "Then what good are you? How could you take my money and not do your job?!"

The maid replied meekly, "Mr. Whitmore, Ms. Finch is resting inside. Can I help you to the guest room?"

"Irene is inside?" Neil sounded suddenly sober. He raised his voice, "How is that possible?! She divorced me; why would she be here?"

"She… she really is inside." The maid started to stutter out of anxiety.

I couldn't bear to listen any longer. Neil's behavior when he was drunk was infuriating.

I got up and opened the door. The two people at the door were both stunned when they saw me.

"Ms. Finch, I'll head downstairs first." The maid greeted me before quickly scampering downstairs.

Neil's cheeks were flushed, and he looked genuinely hammered. He stared at me in shock and confusion, "How are you here?"

Seemed like he wasn't faking it. I responded with irritation from being disturbed, "Neil, if you're drunk, go to sleep. Don't bother me!"

"Irene, how are you here? Who let you in?" Neil pointed at me as his towering figure swayed slightly. He looked utterly perplexed.

As soon as he finished his sentence, he almost lost his balance.

I instinctively reached out to steady him, but I wasn't strong enough to support him and ended up being pushed against the door. The door lock jabbed into my back, causing me to gasp in pain.

Neil heard my suppressed grunt and sobered up a bit. He steadied himself and pulled me into his arms, rubbing my back gently with a concerned voice, "Did that hurt?"

The pain in my back was unbearable. I pushed Neil away, "Are you out of your mind?"


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