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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 272

"Why are you here out of the blue?" Neil asked me in a grave tone while helping me into his coat.

I didn't answer and just turned to look inside the café. Bonnie had noticed Neil's arrival by now. She must've seen Neil helping me into his coat too.

Otherwise, her face wouldn't have looked so sour. The satisfied and confident smile she wore earlier was gone.

When a person was in love with someone, that person was basically handing someone their emotions. Bonnie was no exception; getting back at her using Neil was a piece of cake.

Neil followed my gaze and noticed Bonnie.

“Did you come to see her?” His tone turned icy, and he furrowed his brows subconsciously.

“I came to confirm if it was her who murdered Oscar.”

Neil’s face hardened, “You’re just asking for trouble.”

I gave a small smile as I looked at the man in front of me, who was still as dashing as ever. Time had not taken away his charm but had actually made him more mature and domineering. No wonder Bonnie was so hung up on him.

But his inside didn't match his outside.

After noticing my peculiar gaze, Neil asked again, "What's up?"

"You were pretty mad at what I said in the hospital room, weren't you? Why are you still picking me up?" I chuckled while pulling his coat tighter around me, "It's freezing; let's talk in the car."

"Okay." Neil headed towards the car.

Bonnie followed us out of the café and called out to Neil, "Neil!"

Neil stopped and turned around, but not to answer Bonnie. "Aren't you coming? It's really cold out."

I quickened my pace to catch up to him, ignoring Bonnie's hateful gaze. What she said to me earlier made me realize something. Putting up with everything didn't help; sometimes you needed to know what you wanted and go after it with everything you had.

Otherwise, I'll always be the one getting fooled.

From start to finish, Neil didn't glance at Bonnie. The car smoothly moved forward into the night. Unusually, I was the one to break the silence, "Neil, how about we make a deal?"

"Shoot." Neil's response was crisp and clear.

"If you can help me figure out the situation with my father and Oscar’s death, we can get married again. How does that sound?" I turned to look at Neil, who was driving, feeling surprisingly at ease as I proposed this condition.

The car slowed abruptly. Neil looked at me in shock, "Irene Finch, are you serious?"

I smiled, "Yeah, as long as you help me with these two things, that's proof enough of your sincerity."

Even though these two things were a bit complicated, it would be a lot easier with Neil's help than figuring them out on my own.

Neil didn’t respond immediately. His grip on the steering wheel tightened, and his fingers went slightly pale. His tight lips made his profile seem tense, as if he were thinking about something.

I was actually a bit anxious too. To truly use Neil and fool him would be difficult. If he was a man who could be easily fooled, he wouldn't have brought the Whitmore family to where it was today.

I could only use one thing - His so-called feelings for me.


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