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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 275

Kitty probably didn't know about the recent drama between me and Neil. The minute she saw me, she rushed over with a big smile and grabbed my hand. "Irene! When I found out you were the one my dad is meeting tonight, I came over here!"

"Take a seat. Mr. Daniel, you too, please." I smiled at Kitty and gave her father a nod.

Since Kitty and I were pretty tight, the atmosphere between me and Daniel Wilson was pretty chill. As the waiter was serving food, Kitty suddenly whipped out her phone and announced, "I'm inviting Neil over!"

Daniel's face fell. He obviously knew about the thing between me and Neil, and he wasn't too happy that his precious daughter was crushing on him.

Kitty was always one to march to her own beat, not really giving a damn what her family thought. She wouldn't care much about her father's disapproval.

"Irene, is that okay? I've been stuck with my dad recently and haven't heard from Neil." Kitty looked at me with hopeful eyes.

I took a sip of my coffee and said with a light smile, "Sure thing."

Kitty dialed Neil's number, and soon a deep but indifferent voice came through. "What's up?"

"I'm having dinner with Irene; wanna join us?" Kitty asked straight up.

There was a brief silence on Neil's end before he spoke again, "Can't. I’ve got a meeting tonight."

I breathed a sigh of relief. It would've been super awkward if he showed up, especially with Kitty here.

"You're such a buzzkill. How about I find you after your meeting for some late-night snacks?" Kitty offered again.

Neil rejected her straight away, "Can't; I’m really busy.”

And with that, he hung up.

Kitty let out a deep sigh, and Daniel, with a dark look on his face, clearly wasn’t too thrilled about his daughter chasing a guy and getting rejected.

“Dad, what’s with that look?” Kitty sensed her dad’s displeasure and quickly made her stance clear, “You can’t stop me from going after Neil. And you can’t say he’s not good enough for me either!”

Daniel was clearly not happy and simply shifted his gaze towards me.

I had no idea how to respond to his look, so I just looked away.

Daniel came to Rosemont for two reasons. One was to check out a joint venture project, and the other was to attend Russel and Chloe's engagement party.

I was surprised that the Dawson family and Evershine Enterprises were connected.


My phone pinged. I glanced at it and saw a message from Neil. “When are you coming back from dinner?”

I decided to ignore it, switched my phone to silent, and continued my dinner and chat with Daniel and Kitty. The whole thing went pretty well.

After dinner, Daniel and Kitty said their goodbyes, and I had Bailey drive me back to Sterling Estates.

"Ms. Finch, are you and Mr. Whitmore back together?" Bailey asked as he drove.

"Huh?" I was taken aback by his question. After a moment of thought, I answered, "No."

Bailey asked again, "Then why are you...?"


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