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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 28

Neil has never shown me the slightest bit of friendliness, let alone respect.

After going through the agony of my past life, I finally accepted the fact that I was not his true love.

But Oscar was different from me. He hadn't experienced a rebirth and couldn't understand or accept Bonnie's impulsive decision to break up with him.

He kept drinking, trying to drown his sorrows in alcohol.

I sat beside him, watching him sympathetically. I wanted to advise him to accept the breakup from a bystander's perspective so that he wouldn't suffer more under Neil's antagonism. But deep inside, I felt a sense of injustice. Why was Neil able to break them up so easily?

"Irene, I really love her. I know my family background isn't good enough for her, but I'll work hard..." Oscar started babbling after drinking too much.

I nodded, "I know."

"So many people pursued her, but she chose me. That made me incredibly happy. I swore I wouldn't let her regret it. But why did she change her mind in the end? My heart is in so much pain...” Oscar said, his eyes red.

I quickly stopped Oscar from pouring more alcohol, “Don’t be too upset. Maybe she hasn’t changed her mind? Think about it, the message only showed that someone is pursuing her, but hasn't succeeded. Otherwise, why would he still be begging her for a chance to meet?”

Oscar shook his head and gave a desolate smile. "This time it's different. In the past, she would always tell me when she was in such a situation, so I wouldn't overthink."

"There must be some reason she couldn't tell you. I'll try to meet her and talk to her when I have time." I tried to comfort Oscar.

“Irene, thank you.” Oscar managed a weak smile.

"It’s okay, we’re friends!" I patted his shoulder gently.

After a while, Oscar was completely drunk and passed out. I tried to help him up, but almost tripped.

Fortunately, Cielo Nocturno gave a little help. I called a waiter to help me take Oscar to the room I had booked. As I was about to leave, his phone rang.

It was Bonnie calling. I had no choice but to answer.

"Oscar, where are you?" Bonnie sounded anxious.

"Bonnie, it's me. Oscar is at Cielo Nocturno, you can come find him here." I replied.

“Irene? How come you...” Bonnie sounded puzzled.

I explained in detail how Oscar and I met. After a brief silence, she spoke again, "It's all my fault. I've blocked that man's contact and I'll change my number tomorrow!"

I thought to myself, even if you change your number, or even your identity, Neil has plenty of ways to find you.

I asked tentatively, "Bonnie, who is this man? What's his name? Can you tell me?"

Bonnie hesitated, "Irene, wait for me. I'll tell you when I get there."

I wasn't anxious. I quietly waited for Bonnie's arrival and sent a message to Neil, reminding him that my father's birthday was in two days and he needed to accompany me home as per tradition.

Soon, Bonnie arrived. She looked pained seeing Oscar in such a drunken state. With my consolation and advice, she managed to calm down, then told me, "Irene, I can't tell you who that man is. All I can tell you is that he's married and I don't want to have anything to do with him."

Bonnie's eyes were red and swollen. She must have cried a lot over the past few days.

I asked, "How do you know he's married? Have you looked into his situation?"


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