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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 316

"Mr. Foster." I greeted Ethan Foster with a hint of a formal smile and shook his hand.

He had made a name for himself in politics and was the top dog at FarHorizon Group.

Ethan Foster smiled back, exuding an aura that made me feel a tad intimidated.

"Please, have a seat. I'm expecting another friend shortly." His voice was gentle, but I could sense a bit of coldness in it.

"Sure thing." I plopped myself on the couch, casually setting my bag to the side.

Ethan Foster wasn't much of a chatterbox. He had a chill demeanor, didn't put on airs, and even poured me a glass of wine himself. When he spoke, his pace was slow and steady.

Every time I thought about the harm this guy had caused my father, a fire of anger burned within me, but there was no way to vent it out.

Ethan Foster made it clear that FarHorizon Group wanted to partner with our company and laid out all the perks that would come with it. If it weren't for Neil telling me the truth earlier, I would have been totally swayed by him.

In the midst of our chitchat, the door to the room was nudged open, and who should walk in but Russel.

"Dr. Russel, you've arrived." Ethan Foster greeted Russel with even more warmth.

Russel was decked out in a black sweater and a brown jacket. His gaze swept over me, and his usually expressionless face revealing a hint of surprise.

I could do nothing but look away.

"Ms. Finch, I'm quite close with Dr. Russel's father. I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately, so he's agreed to give me some medical advice. You don't mind, do you?" Ethan Foster started to get a bit chatty, all the while maintaining his friendly smile.

"No, I don't mind." I replied, just to play along.

Russel kept quiet and took a seat between Ethan Foster and me.

I was puzzled as to why Ethan Foster would call Russel here for a consultation in the middle of the night. It was just odd.

After a few exchanges, Ethan Foster took a call and stepped out.

The room was left in silence, with just Russel and me.

A few minutes passed, and he was the one to break the silence. "Neil's back with Bonnie. What's your take on that?"

"I don't have any particular thoughts. All I want to do now is focus on my work." I didn't meet Russel's eyes and just replied calmly.

"You're not angry or upset? Aren’t you feeling like you've been played?" Russel cracked a small smile.

"I saw this day coming. Neil is a long-time friend of yours; don't you know the kind of guy he is? I knew he couldn't stand being dumped by me, so he kept bugging me, just to dump me once he got me." I picked up my cup and took a leisurely sip, my tone icy.

Russel stared at me for a moment before asking, "Is that so?"

I gave a faint smile. "Think whatever you want, Russel. As long as you stop making me feel awkward."

"Heh." Russel chuckled and poured himself a glass of wine. He raised his glass to me. "Hmm, maybe I should take it easy too. How about we just laugh it off?"

I wasn't sure if I could trust Russel, but he did look sincere and frank at that moment. If he could accept it and live a good life with Chloe Reynolds without meddling in the affairs between Neil and me, that wouldn't be so bad.

I raised my glass. "Deal."

After a few drinks, Ethan Foster still hadn't returned, which was odd. I wanted to get up and use the restroom and maybe check on him outside, but as soon as I stood up, everything went black.


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