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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 336

Subconsciously, I looked up, staring at the sky in shock.

Someone was falling from the hotel above, headfirst, at an insane speed. Our eyes met for a split second, but it was enough to send chills down my spine.

It was Chloe!

Chloe's eyes were locked on me, and then there was a loud thud. She had hit the ground hard, and blood splattered everywhere. Her head was beyond recognition from the impact, but her eyes stayed open, staring at me.

I felt her blood splatter on my face. She was only a few steps away.

I forgot to scream, my knees turned to jelly, and I was overwhelmed by fear and nausea.

"Ah!" Stella, behind me, let out a cry. Mitch realized something was off and rushed over to comfort her.

I stumbled back a few steps, feeling dizzy. Luckily, someone grabbed me and stopped me from falling, then covered my eyes and said, "Don't look."

I was trembling all over, my mind a chaotic mess. Suddenly, I remembered what Chloe had said earlier.

Russel's condition for stopping her from committing suicide was to have a meal with me. So, was it her plan to invite me for dinner today?

Or was it that she couldn't bear her fate and couldn't accept that her worth in Russel's eyes was just having a meal with me?

My face turned pale, and my breathing became ragged. I couldn't see anything, but I could still smell the blood.

I turned and threw up.

Neil patted my back gently and said, "I'll take you home."

I wasn't throwing up anything, but my stomach was cramping. My vision blurred, and I felt like I was going crazy.

Neil held my shoulders, supporting me up and leading me to his car. He settled me into the passenger seat.

"Listen, it's not your fault. What you just saw was an accident." Neil said, holding my face gently yet seriously.

"But I came to see her today. How could she..." I stuttered. I could stay calm in the face of other things, but watching someone who had just eaten with me fall to her death in front of me was terrifying beyond words.

And I was certain that Chloe had orchestrated that drama on purpose.

Neil gripped my trembling shoulders, "You've saved her once, but she didn't appreciate it. You didn't do anything wrong, understand?"

"Neil, I..." I hadn't realized tears were streaming down my face.

"I'll take you home. Someone will call the police here." Neil didn't let me continue. Instead, he closed the car door, got into the driver's seat, and drove off.

Staying there would have only shocked me further.

Neil took me to Grandeur Oaks Estates. I was in a daze, sitting on the couch, unable to snap out of it.

Neil brought a warm, wet towel to wipe the blood off my face. His eyebrows were furrowed, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

"Neil, I..." I couldn't say what I wanted to, but I knew I needed to say something.

"What am I going to do with you?" Neil dropped the towel, sounding helpless, "I told you; Chloe's life and death has nothing to do with you. If you hadn't saved her last time, things wouldn't have gotten this complicated."

I was stunned. If I hadn't stopped Chloe from jumping off the building, she would have been dead, and most people would have focused on Russel. I would have just been a side note.

But then, all attention was on me.


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