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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 370

"Having Dr. Russel over isn't bad at all," my dad said cheerfully, "Ever since we left Rosemont, we hardly keep in touch with the folks over there. It's nice to have a friend visit."

Truth be told, ever since our family scandal, a lot of people had been avoiding us like the plague. Besides, my dad wasn't in the big chair anymore, and we've sold off the family company. So naturally, we had fallen off people's radars a bit.

But we all enjoyed the peace and quiet of our lives now. It was a simple life with something to look forward to and no headaches to worry about.

I smirked but didn't feed into my dad's words.

Things got a little awkward but thank God my mom came back just in time. She brought in a steaming bowl of cod soup and urged me to dig in.

I was starving, so I didn't hold back and started chowing down in front of Russel. I used to be quite skinny with a small appetite, never experiencing real hunger. But ever since those two little buns in my oven took root, my appetite had grown with their development. I had even put on a bit of weight, looking fuller and healthier.

My parents watched me eat, their eyes full of affection. Russel, on the other hand, couldn't help but caution me, "Take it easy; you don't want to choke."

I gave Russel a glare while savoring the delicious cod soup. Was it any of his business?

My mom quickly jumped to my defense, "Dr. Russel, women tend to be more sensitive due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. Rena has been a bit hot-tempered lately."

"It's normal. Suppressed emotions can be harmful to the body." Russel said with a gentle smile.

Regardless of what they said, I kept my mouth shut and focused on my meal.

After finishing the soup, I excused myself to rest in my room. I didn't want to hang around Russel; he was kind of annoying. I thought I was done with him, but here he was, showing up again.

As I was heading to my room, I overheard my mom telling Russel, "Dr. Russel, please don't tell anyone about Rena's pregnancy."

I was sure Russel would keep his lips sealed. If he was still holding on to hope for me, he wouldn't spread the news of my pregnancy. It would only complicate things if Neil found out.

Back in my room, I was just about to doze off when my phone started buzzing.

I fished it out from under my pillow and saw an incoming call from a number not saved in my contacts. I was about to reject it when I accidentally picked it up.

There was a loud gust of wind on the other end of the line, but no one spoke. Since the call was already answered, I asked, "Who's this?"

My voice was sluggish due to fatigue.

"It's me." Neil's voice came through, and I immediately snapped awake.

Without a second thought, I hung up and blacklisted the number. A sense of unease washed over me and kept me wide awake.

What if Neil found out about my pregnancy? Would he try to take the babies from me?

No way in hell. Getting pregnant again was a miracle for me. The twins in my belly were my whole world now. I couldn't let anyone take them away from me.

I also couldn't risk putting my children in danger again. I had to make sure Karina didn't find out.


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