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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 385

"Stella, there seems to be a lively scene over there. Let's go check it out." I decided to ignore Karina's tiring chit-chat and headed off with the baby stroller.

Stella must have realized that Karina was no pushover. Any verbal jabs were like water off a duck's back to her, and to continue was a waste of breath.

Our group, with the children in tow, bypassed Karina, heading towards the other side of the beach.

There were some kids' games nearby. Stella and Barbara took their little ones to play. And even Cooper, the group's lone bachelor, went in to help watch the kids.

Little Serena and Brandon were still too small. So, I stayed outside, occasionally teasing them and snapping a few photos for memories.

"Mommy, I want to play too!" Suddenly, Hiram's voice rang in my ears. I turned to see him staring longingly at the playground. His voice was filled with excitement.

Karina held Hiram's hand, a gentle smile on her face, "Sure, but some of the games seem a bit dangerous, and the other children have their fathers with them. Hiram, you're a brave boy. You don't need your father to accompany you, do you?"

I saw a brief flash of coldness cross Karina's face. Despite her smile to Hiram, I felt an unsettling chill.

Neil stood on the other side of Karina, unable to see the subtle expressions on her face. He merely observed the children in the playground, and his cold demeanor contrasted sharply with the bustling scene.

"Of course, I'm a brave little man, I don't..." Hiram spoke as he slapped his chest to express his bravery, but then paused, as if understanding something. He then quickly ran to Neil, "Daddy, can you go with me? I'm a bit scared to go alone."

I shifted my attention away from them, pushing the baby stroller towards the side.

After a while, I saw Neil accompanying Hiram into the playground. He had agreed to Hiram's request.

It made sense. He was desperate to have a child of his own, and then there was Hiram, right in front of him. Despite missing the past few years, blood was thicker than water. He still loved his child.

I couldn't help but look at Serena and Brandon in the stroller. Their biological father was nearby, not holding them, not talking to them, but playing with another child.

Suddenly, Brandon started crying. I had no choice but to pick him up and comfort him, but he was inconsolable.

Feeling helpless, I walked around with him, trying to soothe him, but to no avail.

We were near the end of the beach, surrounded by parents with their children. Distracted, I wandered a bit farther away. My sole focus was to calm Brandon.

But my eyes were still fixed on the stroller, ready to rush over at the slightest sign of trouble.

"Someone's child is drowning over there! Everyone, be careful! Watch your children!" Suddenly, someone shouted.

Startled, I quickly scanned the surroundings. Many people were running over.

The crowd thickened, and I rushed to the stroller. Although it was only a few meters away, I was knocked aside by the crowd. I saw someone push the stroller, sending it hurtling towards the edge of the beach.


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