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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 422

He was aware of his past transgressions, showing he had a modicum of a conscience.

I didn't want to dwell on that. I just set a timeline. "I want Ariana's information within three days."

"Tomorrow," Neil replied quicker than I anticipated.

"Okay." I nodded. "Let's go in. You can just send it to my phone when you have it."

"Sure, I will contact you directly if I think of any conditions. Don't ignore my calls or pretend you didn't see them." Neil's tone was tinged with distrust.

"Hmm," I responded before walking in.

Mitch was currently in the kitchen preparing the food. After marrying Stella, he had transformed into a model husband and father, boasting impressive culinary skills. All the dishes for today's lunch were his handiwork.

Ariana, who had somehow ended up in the kitchen helping, brought out a plate of steamed fish.

She turned to Mitch and said, "Mr. Mitch, this would be even better with chopped spring onions. Plus, it would look prettier."

"I know, but we're running out of time, so I didn't prepare them. We'll have to make do," Mitch replied nonchalantly.

"Why didn't you call me? I'm actually pretty good in the kitchen. Let me do it." Ariana moved to get the onions, deftly pulling her hair back and reaching for another apron.

The matching aprons obviously belonged to a couple.

Stella might not have been a cook, but she was a helpful sous-chef.

I immediately went over and snatched the apron from Ariana's hand. "I'll do it. You're our guest. Just sit down."

"But, aren't you a guest too?" Ariana was confused.

"I'm this household's best friend, and I'm close with Mitch. I'm not a guest. I'll handle it," I replied with a cold indifference.

Mitch seemed to understand and quickly explained. "Yes, Ariana, let her do it. You can just sit down."

Ariana nodded and cast a meaningful glance at me before moving to sit at the dining table.

Truth be told, my cooking skills were mediocre, and chopping onions required precision. After a few attempts, I felt a slight pain in my fingers.


I instinctively cried out.

Mitch noticed my clenched hand and realized I had cut myself. "Did you cut yourself? I'll get you a band-aid. Just leave the onions; I'll handle them."

Hearing this, Neil came over. He saw my injured hand; the cut was deep, the blood seeping between my fingers.

"How can you be so careless?" Neil looked at me sternly.

"It's not a big deal. Just need a band-aid," I replied.

Mitch returned with a band-aid, ready to cleanse my wound and dress it.

Neil lifted his hand as if to take over, but he stopped himself.

After disinfecting the wound, Mitch frowned. "This is pretty deep. You should get it checked out at a clinic."

"Is that necessary?" I looked at my injured finger, blood still dripping from it, blurring the wound.

The knife was incredibly sharp.

"Of course, it's necessary. What if the wound gets infected? I'll drive you to the nearest clinic. Where are your kids?" Mitch asked.

"They are sleeping. Stella will probably keep an eye on them." I replied.

"Alright, let's go immediately." Mitch began to untie his apron.

However, Neil interjected, "You stay here. I'll take her."

Mitch looked taken aback. "You'll take her?"


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