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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 427

There had always been friction between Neil and Russel. Their relationship had shifted from childhood friends to sworn enemies over the past couple of years. So, I had anticipated their conversation wouldn't be all sunshine and rainbows.

Russel had likely suggested Neil to recognize his current status and stop meddling in his affairs.

"Do you really think I believe those kids are yours?" Neil's face appeared icy cold on the surveillance footage.

"I showed you the DNA test results. Do you want me to detail out how she and I conceived these kids?" Russel, being Neil's long-time friend, knew exactly where to poke to bring out the pain.

The mere thought of such a scene was unbearable for Neil. The fact that he had managed to keep his distance for this long was nothing short of a miracle.

Russel's words, however, were undoubtedly stirring up those unbearable thoughts in Neil.

Then Neil punched Russel in a fit of rage. Russel didn't retaliate. When I stepped out, Neil was preparing for another round.

I turned off the surveillance footage, my mind in turmoil.

I hadn't expected Russel to use this matter to provoke Neil. His actions not only shocked me but also left me disappointed.

"Stella, you go ahead and eat. I have to step out for a bit," I told Stella as I got up. "Can you ask Norah to watch the kids? I'll be back soon."

Stella nodded. She was too preoccupied to meddle in my affairs.

I went straight to Russel's place. He wasn't working that evening and seemed surprised to see me. I rarely ever visited him on my own accord. My visits were usually at the behest of my parents.

Russel's home was as simple and cozy as ever. The aroma of a freshly cooked meal wafted through the air. Stella was at my place today so he hadn't joined us for dinner.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with Stella?" Russel's voice had lost its initial cold indifference and had now become tender. His hair shimmered softly under the lamp light. It was always in perfect condition. I always thought it was because he was a doctor and knew how to take care of himself.

But I wasn't in the mood to appreciate these things now. The man standing before me had a perfect exterior and an ability to sway hearts with his act. However, his inner darkness and obsession were just like the man I had known in my past life, unchanged.

I sat down on the sofa, "Russel, can you tell me what you said to provoke Neil?"

"I didn't say anything. Just asked him to stop bothering you. Didn't I explain that to you?" Russel poured me a glass of water and sat across from me. He wore a gray t-shirt and matching trousers, appearing refined and gentle. His icy demeanor had completely melted away, replaced by a gentle warmth.

"Really?" I gave Russel one last chance.

"Yes, really." Russel hesitated for a moment, but his answer remained the same.

I felt a pang of disappointment. He hadn't truly opened up to me. He hadn't been completely honest.

I couldn't exactly pinpoint my emotions at the moment. I was both prepared and distraught.

Russel seemed to have noticed my discomfort. His eyes squinted a little, "What's wrong? You seem upset."

I took a deep breath and replied, "I saw the surveillance footage, the one at the front gate. I heard your entire conversation with Neil. Russel, why did you say those things?"


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