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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 466

"Sorry, I..."

Seeing my escalating distress, Russel sighed and tried to wipe away my tears. But I angrily brushed his hand aside.

Aside from that one time when we were drugged and lost control, we've always kept a respectable distance. This was his first attempt to breach that.

I didn't know why, but Russel doing this affected me more than Neil. Maybe in my heart, Russel was still a better person than Neil, at least in terms of manners.

As for Neil, I had long considered him a brute.

"Get off me and arrange for my discharge. I want to go home; I can't stand being here!" I wiped away the tears stinging my eyes and tersely ordered Russel.

"You can leave tomorrow, not today." Russel refused to comply with my request.

I knew he just wanted me to stay in the hospital for a couple more days, to get some IV fluids or something, but I didn't need that. My mental trauma was far more severe than any physical ailments.

"No way, I just want to go home!"

But today, Russel was as stubborn as a mule. He responded with a hint of authority, "That's not possible. Until tomorrow afternoon, you'll stay here and rest. I've instructed the nurses to keep a close eye on you."

"Russel, are you out of your mind??" I was aghast. I was starting to doubt if this man was really Russel.

"I'm just concerned about your health. I promised to take care of you. Will you please listen?" Russel reached out, gently patting my head. His words were soft, but they just made my chest tighten.

I wanted to retort, but Russel had already turned and left. His steps were brisk, not his usual calm and steady pace. He seemed eager to get away.

His anxiety was probably as heavy as mine, but he had to bear it. If we kept arguing, things might get worse.

Maybe he was just avoiding me. That was fine, I needed some time to calm down.

I had wanted to talk to him about the situation between Louis and Neil, but now I didn't want to say anything. I just wanted to clear my mind and try to relax.


By the time evening fell, the plump doctor who had brought me lunch came by again, this time with dinner.

Russel could have brought it, but he didn't. Probably because of our argument this afternoon.

I didn't want to see him right now, which was just as well.

"Thank you." I didn't have much appetite, but I thanked him quietly.

"Ma'am, actually..." The plump doctor started awkwardly, "I think Dr. Russel really likes you. Did you two have a fight? He seemed off all afternoon. It's rare for him, a professional like him, to let personal matters affect his work."

I looked at the young man in front of me. He was a bit chubby, but he looked barely in his mid-twenties, innocent and guileless.

"Dr. Ronald, you're single, aren't you?" I glanced at the name tag pinned to his chest.

"Yes." Dr. Ronald nodded.

"That's why you don't understand. Thanks for the meal." I gave him a small smile. "I'll be discharged tomorrow, so you don't need to bring me anything anymore. Even if Russel asks you to, don't agree."


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