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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 560

After hearing my mom's words, I started to grasp what my dad was worried about. If I were in his shoes, I'd be scared too. It's only human nature.

In my past life, I died of breast cancer, so in this life, I've been terrified of the disease. Any slight discomfort in my chest area, and I'd rush to the hospital for a check-up, no matter how minor the issue might seem. I was willing to spend both time and money to ensure everything was okay.

"Mom, we need to think of a way to help Dad get over this mental block. The sooner he undergoes surgery, the better. The risks just keep increasing the longer we wait," I told my mom.

"Okay, I understand. I'll talk to him," my mom said, her face etched with concern. She was even more worried about my dad's health than I was. After all, they've been through thick and thin together for so many years, and at their age, losing one another would be devastating.

Just then, our nanny came in carrying Serena, saying with a smile, "I think Serena knew her mommy was home today. She hasn't let me hold her much at all."

Seeing the little one in her soft pink sweater, I immediately reached out to take her from the nanny. Serena was sturdy enough to sit up in my arms now, all I had to do was support her back with my other hand. Her beautiful face, resembling a doll's, was close enough that I could even catch the scent of baby milk.

"Where's Brandon?" I kissed Serena, then asked the nanny.

"Brandon's napping," the nanny replied.

I nodded and let the nanny go about her work while I stayed in the living room with my mom, playing with Serena. Eventually, my dad came downstairs, concerned over something regarding Neil.

He handed me his phone, saying, "What's with all this drama in the Whitmore family lately?"

I took the phone and saw that after I left the hospital yesterday, Neil and Louis had another altercation. But this time, Neil hadn't been the one to throw punches; he'd had his bodyguards do it.

These bodyguards, being well-trained and bulky, didn't hold back, and Louis ended up quite injured, now lying in a hospital bed. The media speculated that the fight was over the Whitmore family fortune, stirring up drama without any concrete evidence.

The media's speculation that Neil and Louis fought over the Whitmore inheritance was baseless. How could they claim Louis was a legitimate contender for the Whitmore assets without proof?

"It's all nonsense from the media. Louis is nothing but trouble, and he got what was coming to him," I handed the phone back to my dad, making it clear I was on Neil's side.

"Rena, do you know what's happening?" my mom asked. I knew she wasn't genuinely interested in the Whitmore family drama but was surprised at how well-informed I seemed, worrying I was getting too close to Neil.

Holding Serena, I explained everything I knew to my parents. They were already under a lot of stress, and I didn't want them to think I was hiding anything from them.

After hearing my side, my parents exchanged glances. They had been business partners with Ryan and Faith for five years but didn't socialize much beyond that.

They were completely unaware of these issues.

"Did Neil tell you all this?" my mom was still focused on that detail.

"Not really, I heard some from others as well, but it all adds up," I replied honestly. Neil and I were just friends, nothing more, so I had no reason to feel guilty.

My dad sighed deeply, "With all this chaos in the Whitmore family, you should keep your distance from Neil. I don't trust that Louis either; I fear he might target you next."


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