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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 562

After I gave my mom the answer she was looking for, she breathed a sigh of relief.

We both made our way back to the living room where my dad was single-handedly keeping my kids, Serena and Brandon, entertained. They were good kids, not the kind to fuss or demand to be held all the time, so my dad had no trouble managing on his own.

"What's up? What took you two so long outside?" Dad asked, eyeing my mom and me suspiciously.

He was probably worried we were plotting to get him admitted to the hospital.

"Just chatting," I replied, trying to sound casual.

"You two better not be trying to convince me to check into the hospital. I told you, I'll go when it's time for surgery!" Sure enough, that was what he was fretting over. He said this with a wary look.

I was so frustrated. I wanted to explain that the surgery wasn't as simple as getting an IV and that there were other treatments and checks needed beforehand.

But knowing my dad's stubborn stance, I realized it was futile and decided to wait until my hospital visit the next day to bring it up again.

"Whatever you say!" Mom said, clearly annoyed, and then she stopped engaging with Dad.

Knowing he’d upset Mom but still refusing to budge, Dad left Serena and Brandon and retreated upstairs.


The next morning, I was up early because Dad and I had to make another trip to the hospital.

I had already contacted a breast specialist I knew well and headed straight to her office, Dad by my side, bombarding me with questions and trying to pull strings by calling up senior doctors for advice.

"Dad, let's just wait for the check-up at the hospital before we panic. I'm fine right now," I tried to reassure him, though the situation felt absurdly overblown.

"It’s all Neil’s fault!" Dad blurted out after hanging up the phone, suddenly blaming my husband.

"What?" I was confused.

"This illness, it's all because of stress! People say women shouldn’t get too angry; it affects their breast health. It must be Neil’s fault since marrying him!" Dad was getting more worked up by the minute.

That was a bit much, and I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me.

In my previous life, this illness had taken a toll, but in this life, I hoped to catch it early and prevent any serious progression.

Without a response, I remained awkwardly silent.

Soon, we arrived at the hospital, and I went directly to see the doctor, with Dad waiting outside. After a series of checks, I opened the door to let Dad listen in as the doctor and I discussed my condition.


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