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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 579

"Dad!" Seeing Neil, Hiram quickly called out with excitement.

Neil's expression eased back into its usual composed and cool demeanor as he pocketed his phone and strode over to us. He looked down at Hiram with a hint of sternness, "Didn't I tell you not to wander off? Why don't you listen?"

Hiram, sensing Neil's displeasure, immediately sought refuge behind me, peeking out cautiously to gauge Neil's mood, "Dad, I just felt a bit cramped lying in bed all day, so I thought I'd take a little walk."

"Neil, would it be possible for you to hire someone to look after Hiram here? I'm worried Karina might try to hurt him again," I asked Neil.

To my surprise, Hiram quickly corrected me, "Ms. Finch, you've got it wrong. My mom wouldn't hurt me!"

I hadn't told Hiram about the poison in the pills Karina had given him, merely prevented him from taking them. So, naturally, he thought I was accusing his mom unjustly.

Neil and I both glanced down at Hiram before Neil commanded, "Hiram, go back to your room and rest!"

Hiram pouted but obediently murmured, "Okay," and shuffled back to his room.

Once Hiram was out of earshot, Neil led me to a quiet corner and asked, "Doesn't the kid's attitude chill your heart?"

"Not at all," I replied. My aim wasn't to replace Karina; I was just concerned for the child.

No matter what Karina had done, it didn't change the fact that she was his mother and they had been each other's world for years.

"I never realized you were so broad-minded before," Neil remarked, seemingly taken aback.

"You never cared enough to notice before," I responded nonchalantly.

Neil chuckled briefly, then shifted the conversation to my father's condition, aware that Russel had visited and guessed he had persuaded my dad to change his treatment plan.

"So, are you grateful to him?" Neil's tone carried a hint of personal sentiment, slightly sour.

I couldn't deny it, "Yes, I'm really grateful. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known how to approach my dad about it."

My response seemed to prick Neil's jealousy, as the air filled with an unspoken tension. He scoffed, "Yeah, some people always seem to land on their feet. Impressive."

I mulled over the phrase "land on their feet" and, understanding Neil's character, it didn't take me long to catch his drift.

Ultimately, Neil was the one who had taken the initiative to visit my dad, gather his medical information, and consult with specialists, leading to the change in the treatment plan. Russel's role, while helpful, was secondary.

Acknowledging this, I added, "Speaking of which, I should thank you, Neil. If you hadn't been so proactive about consulting different experts for my dad, we might have gone ahead with the original surgery plan."

Hearing my thanks, Neil's expression softened slightly. He coughed into his fist, trying to hide a smile, then quickly regained his composure, "I'm not fishing for thanks, nor am I comparing myself to Russel. He's not in my league. I just think you should keep your distance from him. Don't get tangled up just because he did you a favor, understand?"


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