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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 588

How did Neil and Hiram end up here?

Peering at Hiram's attire, it was clear from the collar peeking out from his coat that he was wearing hospital pajamas.

"Hiram, why are you out here in this chilly weather? What if you catch a cold?" I approached and knelt down, touching Hiram's little hand. He initially seemed pleased but then withdrew his hand.

"I'm not cold. The hospital was so boring, and I wanted to play outside, so my dad took me for a walk," Hiram obediently replied.

However, his action of withdrawing his hand made me feel a bit uneasy. It was as if he was trying to distance himself from me deliberately.

Russel came over, and as I stood up, I ended up standing between him and Neil.

"You have the time to go out for dinner with others, quite leisurely," Neil remarked coolly, his gaze then shifting to Russel. It was apparent that the "others" he referred to was Russel.

"I had some things to do, so we went out for a meal. It's getting a bit chilly outside; it would be better to take Hiram back to the hospital sooner rather than later to avoid catching a cold," I said, concerned for Hiram's well-being.

Neil's tone suddenly became irritated, "That's none of your business. Look after yourself first!"

"How is it none of my business? I'm just concerned about Hiram!" I retorted, a bit displeased. When he had asked me to help look after Hiram before, why didn't he say it was none of my business then?

Now that I had grown fond of the kid, telling me to mind my own business was a bit late.

"You think your concern can replace his mother?" Neil's words were laced with annoyance, as if he had a bone to pick with me.

Of course, I couldn't replace Karina's place, and that was a dilemma for me. I didn't want Hiram to go back to Karina, a mother who seemed irresponsibly flaky, but since he was Karina's child, I found it hard to truly accept him.

Seeing Neil treat me like this, Russel coldly defended me, "Caring for a child doesn't mean one aims to replace the child's biological mother. Neil, are you upset because you saw her with me?"

"So what if I am? Is there anything about either of you that should make me happy?" Neil's icy gaze swept over Russel and me, his words sharp.

"Then we'll be leaving," I said abruptly, deciding that if Neil was going to be upset by seeing Russel and me, the best I could do was to avoid him.

I turned to leave, unwilling to engage in further dialogue with Neil on this matter, especially about Hiram.

As I walked away, Neil didn't say anything. However, Hiram ran over and grabbed my hand. He glanced at Russel, then looked at me with hopeful eyes, "Ms. Finch, I'll be going into the transplant chamber in a few days. Can you come to visit me more often?"

A transplant already? But Neil had mentioned before that Hiram wasn't in a condition to undergo the procedure so soon...

I looked at Neil, puzzled, hoping for an explanation, but he avoided my gaze and remained silent.

"Alright, Hiram. For now, go back to the hospital, okay? Catching a cold would make you feel terrible, and your body can't handle that. Once you're out of the transplant chamber and start to recover, you can play anywhere you want," I gently patted Hiram's head, my voice soft.


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