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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 601

After we arrived at the new hospital, we quickly got through the paperwork for admission, and they mentioned a need for another round of tests.

I was running around like a headless chicken for a couple of days, trying to get everything sorted. Finally, when everything was in place, I could breathe a sigh of relief.

Surgery was scheduled for a week later. The thought of it had been a heavy weight on my mind, but luckily, Dad's condition was somewhat stable. The cancer was under control and progressing slowly.

Just when I was counting down the days to the surgery, I got a call from a hospital overseas. I was taken aback when they told me, in fluent English, that they could admit my dad for an earlier check-up and surgery. We had already given up on that option.

"Why all of a sudden?" I asked, puzzled and shocked.

"It's because a slot opened up due to another patient canceling their surgery, Ms. Finch. When could you come over? We need to arrange a doctor and a room for you," the voice on the other end was incredibly kind.

I was stunned, Dad had just settled into the new hospital, and we were gearing up for the surgery. Were we really considering moving?

After hesitating for a moment, I asked the caller to hold on for a bit while I thought it over.

Hanging up, Dad asked, "What's going on? Was that a call from abroad?"

"Yeah, Dad, the overseas hospital said they can take you in for surgery," I explained quickly, not wanting to waste time. "I think we should go. I've checked them out before, and they've got a better medical team for your condition."

Dad was immediately against the idea, "No way. Didn't you say the waiting list was six months long? How did it suddenly change? Sounds fishy to me, I'm not going."

Seeing Dad's stubborn stance made me anxious, "Dad, it's because someone else canceled their surgery. That's why there's a slot. And it's going to cost us a pretty penny, you know?"

I lied.

The hospital hadn't mentioned any extra fees for moving up the schedule, but I knew Dad would only consider it if he thought we were getting a special deal.

"It must be Neil Whitmore pulling strings, huh? You think I'm old and out of it, don't you?" Dad was convinced Neil was behind this, and he was adamant about not owing Neil any favors, even if it meant risking his own health.

"It's not Neil; it was Russel Dawson!" I blurted out, hoping to sway Dad with another name. He always had a good opinion of Russel, so it might just work.

Sure enough, Dad seemed a bit more open at the mention of Russel, but still skeptical, "Really?"


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