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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 605

After chatting with Stella for a bit, I hung up the phone.

Neil's attitude towards me had indeed changed drastically from before, but it was too late, everything had already transformed beyond recognition.

"Who was that?" Russel asked, emerging seemingly from nowhere behind me.

I turned around, pocketing my phone, and replied nonchalantly, "Oh, that was Stella, just checking in about my dad's surgery."

"When are you planning to head back home?" Russel's question suddenly jumped to that topic, giving me the impression he was hinting at wanting me to head back sooner.

After my dad's surgery, he'd definitely need some time here to recuperate before we even think about going back.

"It depends, what's up? If you're busy, feel free to head back first. I can handle things here on my own." I was actually hoping Russel would take the hint and leave earlier. The longer he stayed, the more my dad would get his hopes up about me and Russel rekindling something.

Russel's brow furrowed slightly, as if pondering something, and I waited for his response, but he stayed silent for a while.

This reaction made me even more anxious. If Russel could read minds, he'd see a giant "Please leave" floating in mine.

Russel was more complicated to deal with than Neil. If Neil showed up, my dad wouldn't hesitate to send him packing, followed by a series of stern warnings to me about not reigniting old flames.

But Russel was different. He was the golden boy in my parents' eyes. Even though they had promised not to push me into anything, just Russel being around could sway them.

"I'll stay here with you until you and your dad are ready to head back," Russel finally said, leaving me momentarily speechless. How was I supposed to argue with that?

Without a good retort, I just went back to my seat, silently waiting for the surgery to end.

It was a long surgery, and I had no idea how much time had passed until I finally stood up to stretch, just as the doors to the operating room opened and my dad was wheeled out, still unconscious.

The doctor came out and in clear English told me, "The surgery went smoothly."

"Thank you!" I was overjoyed, thanking him repeatedly as I followed my dad back to his room, waiting for him to wake up.

Following the doctor's advice, my dad would need to stay in the hospital for about a week to monitor his recovery. If we really wanted to, transferring back home for further recuperation was an option.

I couldn't hide my happiness, my smile never fading even as I sat beside my dad's bed, lost in thought, feeling a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

"You should go grab something to eat. I'll stay here," Russel suddenly said, looking intently at me. "You haven't eaten anything all day."

"I'm not hungry, you go ahead," I said with a smile, then reached out to hold my dad's hand. "You know, Russel, my dad has always been my rock. As a kid, I thought he was the most loving and powerful person in the world. Only now do I realize he's getting older, and he needs me to be his support. What scares me the most is the thought of losing him or my mom."


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