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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 623

I couldn't bear it any longer, so I bent down and took Hiram's hand, which caught him off guard. He shot me a look of surprise, which quickly melted into a sense of reassurance.

Ryan and Faith, upon noticing my gesture, seemed to suddenly remember there was another child in the picture. They had previously put aside their differences, choosing to welcome Hiram into the fold. But now, due to Serena and Brandon, they might...

It was then that Neil spoke up, “Irene, let's not drag the kids into the mess between us adults. At the end of the day, I'm their father. Whether I acknowledge them or they acknowledge me, it's simply natural.”

His voice was steady, but I could sense the emotional turbulence he was desperately trying to contain.

Just then, my parents couldn't stand idly by any longer. They emerged with stern expressions, void of any warmth. My dad was the first to approach, swiftly pulling me behind him before he started to rebuke Neil, “Neil, what right do you have to claim these children? Serena and Brandon share nothing with you beyond a mere biological link!”

Seeing my parents, Neil's demeanor became even more restrained as he calmly responded, “I admit, I've made mistakes in the past. I've been trying to make amends with Irene, but she's unwilling to give me another chance. Now that we share children together, I have no other desire than to fulfill my responsibilities as a father.”

“Responsibilities as a father?” my mom chimed in, “Neil, you've indeed helped our family a lot, and we can compensate you financially, even though you don't need the money. But this notion of paternal responsibility means nothing to our daughter now.”

Neil's expression darkened as he fixed his gaze on me, his eyes burning with intensity, “Everyone knows those kids are mine now. Refusing to acknowledge that won't change anything, will it?”

He had a point. As Serena and Brandon grew up, people would eventually tell them about these matters, but that was a concern for another day.

For now, I had no intention of looking back.

“Neil, let's talk. Just the two of us,” I suddenly suggested, despite our parents' presence, which they clearly disapproved of.

Especially my parents, who were worried I might soften during our one-on-one, given my deep-seated feelings for Neil from the past. What if I wavered again?

Ignoring my parents' concerns, I handed Hiram over to them, asking them to take him inside first.

I had initially planned on leaving Hiram with Ryan and Faith, but after witnessing their reaction just now, I knew they weren't in the right state of mind to care for him.

Blood is thicker than water, and as much as Hiram was adored, he wasn't a Whitmore by blood. Ryan and Faith would inevitably prioritize Serena and Brandon's wellbeing over his.

My dad attempted to stop me, but my mom held him back, silently shaking her head, signaling they should let me handle this.

After my parents took Hiram inside, I glanced at Ryan and Faith before suggesting to Neil, “How about we grab some coffee?”

“Sure,” Neil replied without hesitation.

Ryan and Faith didn't object, merely watching as I got into Neil's car.

As we drove off, Neil asked, “Where to?”

“La Rencontre,” the first place that popped into my head, ironically the same spot where I first met Bonnie.

It was also the first significant thing I did after my rebirth, holding a special place in my heart.


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